ECN publication
Fracture toughness of neutron irradiated solid and powder HIP 316L(N): ITER Task T214, NET deliverable GB6 ECN-5
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ECN-C--98-033 ECN publication
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The fracture toughness properties of unirradiated and neutron irradiatedtype 316L(N) stainless steel plate (European Reference Heat ERHII), conventional 316L(N) solid HIP joints (heat PM-130), and 316L(N)-1G powder HIP material have been measured. Compact tension specimens with a thickness of 12 and 5 mm were irradiated in the High Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten, The Netherlands, simulating the fusion reactor's first wall conditions by a combination of high displacement damage with proportional amounts of helium. The solid HIP (or HIP-bonded) CT-specimens were irradiated in two separate experiments: SIWAS-6 with 1.3 to 2.3 dpa (1.7 dpa av.) at 353 K, and CHARIOT-3 with 2.7 to 3.1 dpa (2.9 dpa av.) at 600 K. The plate material and powder HIP CT-specimens were irradiated in one experiment only, SIWAS-6. The helium content is up to 20 appm for the 2.9 dpa (av.) dose level. Testing temperatures of 353K and 573K have been used for the fracture toughness experiments. The report contains the experimental conditions and summarises the results, which are given in terms of J-resistance curve fits. The main conclusions are that all three materials have very high toughness in the unirradiated state with little difference between them; the solid HIP has the highest toughness, the powder HIP lowest. The toughness of all three materials is reduced significantly by irradiation, the reduction is the least for the plate material and the highest for the powder HIP material. However, many, but not all, of the solid HIP CT specimens showed debonding of the joint during testing. The machined notch of the CT specimens was not exactly on the joint interface, which could lead to unjustified interpretation of the measured values as being the toughness of the joint, the toughness of the joint being probably much lower. The reduction by irradiation of the fracture toughness of the powder HIP material is clearly larger than for plate material, which is confirmed by the observed early initiation of stable crack extension. As these fracture toughness measurements have been obtained by using CT specimens with a thickness of 12 and 5 mm, and as unirradiated austenitic stainless steel has a very high toughness, the values presented do in general not qualify as a size independent material property, but can be used as valid data for constructions with thicknesses of respectively 12 and 5 mm. 12 refs.

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