ECN publication
Approximation of the energy acquis communautaire: review of energy markets and policies of seven accession countries
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-1999
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--99-103 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
61 Download PDF  

A compilation is given of country reviews conducted by the NetherlandsEnergy Research Foundation (ECN), carried out within the framework of the Phare Multi-country programme project 'Approximation of CEEC to EU legislation'. The project was conducted and co-ordinated by DEM (Denmark), with contributions from ERM (UK) and ECN. The project's main objective was to assist the CEECs (Central and Eastern European Countries) to approximate their energy legislation with EU energy legislation. A secondary objective was to review the current situation of the energy markets and policies in the thirteen CEECs with respect to their progress in approximation towards the EU energy acquis and policy practices. For this second objective ECN assessed the current situation in seven countries, on the basis of a survey organised by the project co-ordinator DEM and filled in by the counterparts in the seven CEECs. These seven countries are: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland

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