ECN publication
Extreme wind conditions: Measurements at 50 m Meteorological Mast at ECN, Petten
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 1-2-2004
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--04-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
231 Download PDF  


The ?Database on Wind Characteristics? is a project of the IEA Wind R&D programme (Annex XVII). The report describes the contribution on extreme wind conditions by the Netherlands partner in the programme, ECN Wind Energy.

The database as a whole, constitutes a valuable tool for a consistent calibration of the essential wind characteristics for wind turbine design and development of standards. In addition, investigations of a more fundamental and phenomenological character can conveniently be supported by the full-scale wind field measurements contained in the database. Although the database, in its present version, contains a wide variety of wind turbine load relevant wind time series, it was recognised that additional wind data would be needed to complete the data selection. Since recent years important data such as those resulting from wake measurements, three component offshore measurements suitable for validation of especially the low frequency part of offshore wind spectra, additional combined wind- and wave data from representative offshore locations, extreme complex terrain measurements and long term data sets covering time spans of at least 20 years, have been added to the database.

This report describes the added data that are measured with the 50m high meteorological mast at ECN premises. The location is characterized as coastal. ECN has selected 28 days from a period of three years in which extreme events occurred. The extreme events are high average wind speeds during storms, large wind speed gusts, large wind direction gusts, heavy rain and large pressure fluctuations. In the appendix, the description is given of the experimental set-up.

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