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Publications from author Barhorst, S.A.M. 
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Boon, H.J. den;
Bird collision monitoring system for multi megawatt wind turbines WT-Bird; Summary of prototype development and testing
ECN-E--06-028 EN oktober 2006; 17 pag.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Boon, H.J. den;
Bird collision monitoring system for multi megawatt wind turbines WT Bird; Prototype development and testing
ECN-E--06-027 EN oktober 2006; 57 pag.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Boon, H.J. den; Dirksen, S.; Schekkerman, H.;
WT-Bird: Bird collision recording for offshore wind farms
ECN-RX--06-060 EN maart 2006; 5 pag.
Eecen, P.J.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Braam, H.; ... [et al.], ;
Measurements at the ECN Wind Turbine Test Location Wieringermeer
ECN-RX--06-055 EN februari 2006; 7 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, 27 februari 2006-2 maart 2006.
Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Boon, H.J. den; Dirksen, S.; Schekkerman, H.;
WT-Bird. Bird collision recording for offshore wind farms
ECN-RX--04-121 EN november 2004; 4 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2004, London, UK, 22-25 november 2004.
Eecen, P.J.; Barhorst, S.A.M.;
Extreme wind conditions: Measurements at 50 m Meteorological Mast at ECN, Petten
ECN-C--04-019 EN februari 2004; 231 pag.
Eecen, P.J.; Barhorst, S.A.M.;
Data Added to International Wind Database : IEA Annex XVII
ECN-C--03-128 EN november 2003; 84 pag.
Barhorst, S.A.M.; Verhoef, J.P.; Werff, P.A. van der; Eecen, P.J.;
Description of SODAR data storage : WISE project WP2
ECN-C--03-108 EN oktober 2003; 20 pag.
Bulder, B.H.; Barhorst, S.A.M.; Schepers, J.G.; Hagg, F.;
Theory and user manual BLADOPT
ECN-C--01-011 EN september 2001; 91 pag.