ECN publication
Inzet van biomassa / afvalstromen in het droogproces van GIBO
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-9-2005
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--05-080 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
76 Download PDF  


In this feasibility study the application of biomass and waste streams as source of energy within the existing drying facility of Gipsbouw BV (GIBO), a Dutch producer of non-load-bearing wall-building materials made of gypsum, is examined. The existing industrial drying process is operated non-stop for 5 days and switched off during the weekends. It has an annual natural gas consumption of 3.3 million m³n, which is combusted in several burners with excess air in order to provide a drying medium with a temperature of approximately 150°C. The base load of this system amounts to 4 MWth heat, with peak demands up to 8 MWth heat. <%

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