ECN publication
Gas cleaning downstream biomass gasification – status report 2009
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 9-6-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-078 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
65 Download PDF  

“The government wants to help realize an affordable, reliable and clean energy economy, while fully acknowledging the role the market ought to play in this development. The role of the Energy Research Subsidy (in Dutch abbreviated as EOS) programme is to initiate and support the necessary innovation processes. The biomass research has been divided into three main areas, being (i) biorefining, (ii) electricity and heating, and (iii) gasification, gas cleaning, conditioning and syngas production. While the EOS programme can thus offer support at each of the stages of the energy innovation trajectory, it also helps the supply of knowledge to better meet the demand of the market. In order to stimulate the supply of knowledge status reports are published by relevant stakeholders upon request from the Dutch Agency for Innovation and Sustainability (SenterNovem). The status report on gas cleaning focuses on cleaning technologies downstream biomass gasifiers to manufacture clean gas, from which electricity and heat, transport fuels, chemicals and ‘new gases’ (such as SNG and hydrogen) can be produced efficiently. It provides an overview of the current status, the key players, the motives and challenges, and the ongoing remaining R&D. Although upgrading of biogas or landfill gas is not considered to be a R&D topic within the EOS research area “gasification, gas cleaning, conditioning and syngas production”, the status report at hand also provides information focused at these existing upgrading technologies. The technologies in this sector may also apply for gas obtained from thermo-chemical conversion processes.”

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