ECN publication
Progress, barriers, solutions and recommendations for more DER integration in the European electricity supply. Summary of findings from the 6th FP EU project SOLID-DER
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 18-8-2009
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--08-093 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
56 Download PDF  

This report presents an overall and summarizing report of most relevant findings and conclusions regarding the topic of ‘Integration of more Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in the electricity supply of Europe’ addressed in the 6th Framework Programme RTD project SOLID-DER. More precisely this report reviews the current position of DER, thereby enhancing its definition in RES&DG) in the electricity supply, drivers for more DER in the future and the different technical and economic barriers to meet these policy objectives in the EU countries. But most attention is given to the different technical, economic and regulatory changes and policies for increasing the share of DER (RES&DG) in the power supply of all EU countries in the next decades. Also for that reason, at the end the report the most recent developments and issues, i.e. the increasing role of intermittent RES&DG generation and their system impacts that need to be reduced in the future to maintain the reliability levels of the power system, are discussed in this report. This discussion is mainly based on recently finished or still on-going EIE EU projects such as RESPOND, IMPROGRES etc. Finally in the report the policy measures, regulation and the pending RTD issues necessary to be solved are summarized.

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