ECN publication
D5.1 Functional description of the REsolve model kit and the biomass allocation
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-4-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--12-019 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
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In this report a set of ECN models, used within Biomass Futures Project, to quantitatively estimate how the different biomass resources can be allocated in a cost-effective way to the different energy uses is described. This biomass allocation is based on an interaction between three ECN submodels within an iterative scheme. The RESolve-biomass model is the central model for biomass allocation, covering bioelectricity, bio-heat and biofuels. However, RESolve-E and RESolve-H deal with the electricity sector(including CHP) and the heating sector respectively in a more dedicated way. Therefore an interaction between the three models is necessary for a robust quantitative assessment of the bioenergy deployment in the EU27. An overview of the interaction scheme is given and the three models are briefly described.

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