ECN publication
North Sea Transnational Grid: A better way to integrate large scale Offshore Wind Power Summary report
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 10-2-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--14-004 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
73 Download PDF  

A huge amount of wind power, 30-60 GW, is foreseen in the northern part of the North Sea. These wind farms have to be connected to the national grids of five different countries in a flexible and economical way. Individual connection is straightforward but for several reasons possibly not the best choice. A high capacity North Sea Transnational Grid connecting wind farms to the national grids and at the same time connecting the national grids together, may well be a better solution for reasons of energy efficiency, availability, controllability, lower costs and the possibility to trade/exchange electricity . The objective of the North Sea Transnational Grid project is to determine the best solution (modular, flexible, most cost effective) for a high capacity transnational offshore grid, connecting all future wind farms in the northern part of the North Sea to the Netherlands, UK, Norway, Denmark and Germany. Different technical solutions for a Transnational Grid will be investigated. For the most promising solution a multi-terminal converter controller will be developed and tested. A second objective is to determine the effects of the Transnational Grid on the national grids, in which the operating strategy of the Transnational Grid will be developed to regulate power exchange correctly and avoid congestion. Moreover, the effect of the Transnational Grid on national grid stability will be investigated. The costs, benefits, policies and regulations related to realization of the North Sea Transnational Grid will also be investigated and compared to alternative scenarios. This report summarizes the main results of the project by describing the results of the main work packages. More detailed information can be found in the technical reports prepared for each work packages. The final section contains a list of these reports and the papers prepared in the NSTG project. The reports and the public papers can be downloaded from the NSTG website: This project was financially supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs under the Energie Onderzoek Subsidie - Lange Termijn (EOS-LT) programme, executed by AgentschapNL.

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