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ECN publication
Mogelijke effecten van NOx-beleid op het warmtekrachtpotentieel : een analyse van de invloed van bestrijdingskosten op de rentabiliteit van warmtekracht
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-12-2000
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--00-111 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
50 Download PDF  

The effect of more stringent emission levels on the potential of gasengines in combined heat and power plants (CHP) has been studied. Common legislation for new gas engines demands 140 g NOx/GJ fuel consumption. Higher emission levels are allowed if an existing engine has a permit older than 1994. The more stringent emission levels in this study consist of 50 g/GJ for existing gas engines and 25 g/GJ for new gas engines (after 2001). The new legislation for old engines is introduced in phases, so a gas engine facing a new emission level is at least 10 years old. The calculations of the CHP potential are derived from an economic model based on costs and energy prices. The more stringent emission levels can be met by using exhaust gas cleaning by means of selective catalytic reduction (SCR). This leads to higher costs and lower investments in new gas engines. Retrofitting of SCR at existing gas engines in combination with costs for major maintenance sometimes leads to unremunerative situations, which results in the engines being closed down. The calculations are executed for two scenarios on the development of energy prices. One scenario is characterised by favourable energy prices for CHP (scenario 'high') and the other scenario is characterised by unfavourable energy prices scenario 'low'). 15 refs.

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