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ECN publication
Phyllis fase 5 : implementatie van een classificatie macro en onderhoud/uitbreiding
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1-12-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-107 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
15 Download PDF  

The Phyllis database contains data on the composition of biomass and waste. The main goal of phase 5 of its development is to make the data accessible according to the Dutch classification scheme NTA 8003. Other goals are the maintenance and further extension of the database.For users of the classification scheme NTA 8003 the option has been added to select any combination of (sub)groups of the NTA 8003 classification scheme. A choice can be made to show seperate data records or the average of data wihtin the selection. The options to select records by keywords or via the group structure designed by ECN have been left intact. Maintenance involved a check of hundreds of records and corrections if required. A number of records with (nearly) idential information have been combined or removed. Almost 200 new records have been added. At present, the database contains 1775 records.

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