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ECN publication
Validatie van uitloogproeven conform NEN-ISO 5725
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--94-001 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
162 Download PDF  

The precision of for leaching tests, published as the Dutch standards NEN7341 (Availability Test), NEN 7343 (Column Test), NEN 7345 (Diffusion Test), and NEN 7349 (Cascade Test), is determined in terms of repeatability and reproducibility, according to the NEN-ISO 5725 standard. Use has been made of a round-robin test among 10 laboratories, which analyzed 6 different types of materials: waste incinerator fly ash, pulverized coal bottom ash, waste incinerator bottom ash, fly ash/cement stabilization, calcareous sandstone and E-fly ash, and building bricks. The chemical analyses are carried out for each leaching test by one laboratory in order to reduce the analytical errors in the test results as much as possible. 14 figs., 17 tabs., 4 appendices, 8 refs.

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