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ECN publication
Final report of IEA Annex XIV: field rotor aerodynamics
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Solar Energy 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--97-027 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
287 Download PDF  

The objective of the title Annex was defined as the coordination of fullscale aerodynamic test programs on wind turbines, in order to acquire the maximum of experimental data at minimum costs. In these full scale aerodynamic test programs local aerodynamic quantities (forces, inflow velocities, inflow angles) are measured at several radial positions along the blade. The supply of local aerodynamic data, is a major step forward in understanding the very complicated aerodynamic behaviour of a wind turbine. In conventional test programs only blade (or rotor) quantities are measured. Usually these quantities are integrated over the rotor blade(s) and they are not only influenced by aerodynamic effects, but also by mass effects. Then the local aerodynamic properties of the blade can only be derived indirectly, introducing an uncertainty. A total of five full scale aerodynamic test programs were coordinated. The programs were carried out by Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Imperial College, IC and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom; Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Netherlands (Operating Agent); National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA; and RISOe National Laboratory, Denmark. In order to create the database, a joint measurement program was agreed upon. It was agreed that measurements should be supplied in which the angle of attack ranges from negative values to deep stall values. Also measurements at yaw misalignment and at stand still have been supplied. The data file formats and the conventions have been harmonized in order to make the database easily accessible. To aid in the interpretation of the data, an aeroelastic model description is made of all facilities. 259 figs., 76 tabs., 51 refs.

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