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Publications from author Brand, A.J. 
Brand, A.J.;
Wind farm design and active wake control
ECN-M--14-020 EN april 2014; 7 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Bot, E.T.G.; Ozdemir, H.;
Accurate Wind Farm Development and Operation Advanced Wake Modelling
ECN-M--13-049 EN november 2013; 11 pag.
Versteeg, M.C.; Ozdemir, H.; Brand, A.J.;
Improvements in ECN Wake Model
ECN-M--13-018 EN augustus 2013; 15 pag.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Brand, A.J.; Lensink, S.M.;
Profiel- en onbalanskosten van windenergie in 2012
ECN-N--13-016 NL maart 2013; 4 pag.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The impact of wind power on APX day-ahead electricity prices - VVM-Intermittency project
ECN-E--13-010 EN februari 2013; 62 pag.
Beurskens, H.J.M.; Brand, A.J.;
Wind Energy
ECN-B--13-001 EN februari 2013; 38 pag.
Published in: The World Scientific Handbook of Energy, 307, 341, 9789814343510, Gerard M. Crawley.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-067 EN oktober 2012; 8 pag.
Bot, E.T.G.; Eecen, P.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The influence of wind farms on the wind speed above the wind farms
ECN-M--12-068 EN oktober 2012; 21 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.; Eecen, P.J.; Holtslag, M.C.;
Database of measurements on the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee
ECN-M--12-012 EN april 2012; 8 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
ECN-M--11-109 EN januari 2012; 12 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Eecen, P.J.;
Farmflow - Stroming in een Windpark
ECN-V--11-012 NL oktober 2011; 5 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Peinke, J.; Mann, J;
Turbulence and Wind Turbines
ECN-M--11-086 EN september 2011; 37 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Will it blow? Short to mid-term wind power forecasting
ECN-M--11-081 EN augustus 2011; 68 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
A quasi-steady wind farm flow model
ECN-M--11-082 EN augustus 2011; 40 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
A downscaling method for application in wind resource assessment and wind power forecasting
ECN-M--11-083 EN augustus 2011; 33 pag.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The Impact of Wind Power on Day-ahead Electricity
ECN-M--11-111 EN mei 2011; 5 pag.
Donkers, J.A.J.; Brand, A.J.; Eecen, P.J.;
Offshore Wind Atlas of the Dutch Part of the North Sea
ECN-M--11-031 EN maart 2011; 12 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
A Quasi-Steady Wind Farm Control Model
ECN-M--11-032 EN maart 2011; 0 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Short-term output prediction OWEZ. Final report
ECN-E--08-054 EN december 2010; 0 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
Validation of a quasi-steady wind farm flow model in the context of distributed control of the wind farm
ECN-M--10-058 EN juli 2010; 36 pag.
Presented at: The Science of Making Torque from Wind, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 28-30 juni 2010.
Brand, A.J.; Gibescu, M.; Boer, W.W. de;
Variability and Predictability of Large-Scale Wind Energy in the Netherlands
ECN-B--10-007 EN juli 2010; 32 pag.
Published in: Variability and Predictability of Large-Scale Wind Energy in the Netherlands, 259, 288, 978-953-7619-81-7, Wind Power.
Brand, A.J.; Wagenaar, J.W.;
A quasi-steady wind farm flow model in the context of distributed control of the wind farm
ECN-M--10-052 EN juni 2010; 31 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC), Warsaw, Poland, 20-23 april 2010.
Brand, A.J.;
Wind farm design - When other wind farms are close
ECN-M--09-127 EN november 2009; 10 pag.
Presented at: European Offshore Wind 2009 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-16 september 2009.
Brand, A.J.;
Wind Power Plant North Sea - Wind Farm Interaction: The effect of wind farming on mesoscale flow
ECN-E--09-041 EN oktober 2009; 51 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Reference wind speed anomaly over the Dutch part of the North Sea
ECN-M--09-128 EN september 2009; 8 pag.
Presented at: European Offshore Wind 2009 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-16 september 2009.
Gibescu, M.; Brand, A.J.; Kling, W.L.;
Estimation of Variability and Predictability of Large-scale Wind Energy in The Netherlands
ECN-W--09-011 EN mei 2009; 21 pag.
Published in: Wind Energy (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 2008, Ed., p.-.
Gibescu, M.; Brand, A.J.; Boer, W.W. de;
System Balancing with 6 GW Offshore Wind Energy in the Netherlands - Instruments for Balance Control
ECN-M--09-047 EN april 2009; 16 pag.
Presented at: 7th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Energy, Madrid, Spain, 26-27 mei 2008.
Brand, A.J.;
Wind Power Forecasting Method AVDE
ECN-M--09-048 EN april 2009; 12 pag.
Presented at: Global Wind Power 2008, China Wind Power 2008, Beijing, China, 29-31 oktober 2008.
Brand, A.J.;
The effect of wind farming on mesoscale flow
ECN-M--09-049 EN april 2009; 9 pag.
Presented at: Global Wind Power 2008, China Wind Power 2008, Beijing, China, 29-31 oktober 2008.
Brand, A.J.;
Offshore Wind Atlas of the Dutch part of the North Sea
ECN-M--09-050 EN april 2009; 9 pag.
Presented at: Global Wind Power 2008, China Wind Power 2008, Beijing, China, 29-31 oktober 2008.
Brand, A.J.;
The effect of wind farming on mesoscale flow. Validation and prediction
ECN-M--09-051 EN april 2009; 35 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2009, Marseille, France, 16-19 maart 2009.
Brand, A.J.;
Day-ahead output forecasting OWEZ
ECN-M--09-052 EN april 2009; 12 pag.
Presented at: IEA Wind Task 23 Back-to-back Workshop "Offshore wind farms - Wake effects and power fluctuations", Roskilde, Denmark, 25-26 februari 2009.
Brand, A.J.;
Modelling the effect of wind farming on mesoscale flow - Part 2: Modification of the velocity profile
ECN-M--08-048 EN augustus 2008; 12 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2008, Brussels, Belgium, 31 maart 2008-3 april 2008.
Brand, A.J.;
Short-term output predicition OWEZ - Reporting period 2007-01-01 - 2007-06-30
ECN-E--08-018 EN februari 2008; 36 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Observed and predicted wind speed time series in the Netherlands and the North Sea. Work Package 2 we@sea project System Integration and Balance Control.
ECN-C--06-007 EN augustus 2006; 46 pag.
Corten, G.P.; Brand, A.J.;
Resource decrease by large scale wind farming
ECN-RX--04-124 EN november 2004; 9 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2004, London, UK, 22-25 november 2004.
Brand, A.J.; Hegberg, T.;
Wind resource in the Dutch part of the North Sea
ECN-RX--04-132 EN november 2004; 10 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference 2004, London, UK, 22-25 november 2004.
Kok, J.K.; Brand, A.J.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Saint Drenam, Y.M.; Berg, W.D. van den;
Voorspellen van duurzame energie in de bebouwde omgeving: SDE projectresultaten
ECN-C--03-114 NL oktober 2003; 81 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Kok, J.K.;
Aanbodvoorspeller duurzame energie - Deel 2: Korte-termijn prognose van windvermogen
ECN-C--03-049 NL juni 2003; 120 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Brand, A.J.; Veen, S.H. van der;
Aanbodvoorspeller duurzame energie; deel 1; korte termijn prognose van zonne-energie
ECN-C--03-018 NL februari 2003; 21 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Brand, A.J.; Bruining, A.; Rooij, R. van; Graham, J.M.R.; Paynter, R.J.H.; Hand, M.M.; Simms, D.A.; Infield, D.G.; Madsen, H.A.; Maeda, T.; Shimizu, Y.; Stefanatos, N.;
Final Report of IEA Annex VIII: 'Enhanced field rotor aerodynamics database'
ECN-C--02-016 EN februari 2002; 353 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Bruining, A.;
Aerodynamische veldmetingen met grenslaagmanipulatoren : eindrapport project 'EGIB'
ECN-C--01-003 NL 2002; 92 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Evaluatie project aerodynamische tabelgenerator
ECN-C--01-104 NL 2002; 35 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Brand, A.J.; Madsen, H.; Stefanatos, N.; Simms, D.A.; Hand, M.; Bruining, A.; Rooij, R. van; Shimizu, Y.; Maeda, T.; Graham, M.;
IEA annex XIV/XVIII, field rotor aerodynamics
ECN-RX--01-056 EN september 2001; 5 pag.
Presented at: European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-6 juli 2001.
Brand, A.J.; Hegberg, T.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Kok, J.K.; Selow, E.R. van; Kamphuis, I.G.; Noord, M. de; Sambeek, E.J.W. van;
Tussenrapport aanbodvoorspeller duurzame energie
ECN-I--01-007 NL mei 2001; 80 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Garrel, A. van; Snel, H.; Rozendal, D.; Houwink, R.; Rooij, R.J.P.O.M. van; Timmer, W.A.;
Voorstudie radiale stroming in overtrek
ECN-C--00-002 NL december 2000; 60 pag.
Montgomerie Jensen, B.O.G.; Brand, A.J.; Bosschers, J.; Rooij, R.P.J.O.M. van;
Three-dimensional effects in stall
ECN-C--96-079 EN 1997; 42 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Brand, A.J.; Bruining, A.; Graham, J.M.R.; Hand, M.M.; Infield, D.G.; Madsen, H.A.; Paynter, R.J.H.; Simms, D.A.;
Final report of IEA Annex XIV: field rotor aerodynamics
ECN-C--97-027 EN 1997; 287 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Montgomerie Jensen, B.O.G.;
Unsteady aerodynamic data: an analysis of available datasets [ECN-C--95-058]
ECN-C--95-058 EN 1996; 26 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Quasi-steady aerodynamic coefficients at a large range of angles of attack
ECN-C--95-059 EN 1996; 62 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Dekker, J.W.M.; Groot, C.M. de; Späth, M.;
Aerodynamic field data from the HAT25 experimental wind turbine:contribution to the ECN/NOVEM project 'Dynamic stall en three-dimensional effects'
ECN-C--96-037 EN 1996; 64 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Corten, G.P.; Späth, M.;
Calibration and measuring procedure of a spheric velocity probe [ECN-R--95-031]
ECN-R--95-031 EN 1996; 56 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Dekker, J.W.M.; Groot, C.M. de; Späth, M.;
Field rotor aerodynamics: the rotating case
ECN-RX--96-067 EN 1996; 11 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Brand, A.J.;
Stall FLEXTEETER: measurements
ECN-C--94-110 EN 1995; 97 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Lindenburg, C.; Dekker, J.W.M.; Visser, B.; Kuik, G.A.M. van;
Stall Flexteeter: computations
ECN-C--95-010 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Aerodynamic field data of a non-rotating rotor blade: acomparison to "2D Steady" data and an analysis of inflow conditions
ECN-C--95-063 EN 1995; 58 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Brand, A.J.; Späth, M.;
Aerodynamic measurements on a non-rotating Aerpac 25 WPX blade
ECN-RX--93-113 EN 1993; 16 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Schepers, J.G.; Späth, M.;
The measurement of inflow velocity and angle with a spheric probe
ECN-RX--93-026 EN 1993; 7 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
On the measurement of inflow velocity and inflow angles with a spheric probe
ECN-R--93-005 EN 1993; 58 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Profielberekeningen met XFOIL
ECN-R--93-006 NL 1993; 35 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Snel, H.; Hansen, N.O.T.; Kuik, G.A.M. van; Baars, G.E. van; Bongers, P.M.M.;
Validating wind turbine design codes by analysing teeter, 'free' flap and 'free' lead/lag motions
ECN-RX--93-025 EN 1993; 7 pag.