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ECN publication
Quick scan wind farm effi-ciencies of the Borssele loca-tion
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 17-8-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--14-050 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
34 Download PDF  

ECN predicted the performance of four conceptual wind farms for the Borssele loca-tions in assignment of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The analyses have been per-formed with the FARMFLOW and EE-FARM tools. The four different wind farm designs were made by variation of the rotor power densi-ties of 320 and 380 W/m2, thus two different wind turbines models, and two different wind farm power densities of 6 and 9 MW/km2, resulting in 4 designs. Next to the energy yield and wind farm efficiencies the consequences of the different wind farms on the internal electrical grid designs will be predicted. The prediction will investigate the electrical efficiency and the cable cost determined by the cable length. Due to the fact that absolute cost are inaccurate to predict only the differences be-tween the designs will be reported. In the assignment it is prescribed that the transport of the energy yield to the main grid onshore will makes use of the so-called plug socket @ sea (stopcontact op zee) option in the form of modular hubs of approximately 700 MW each to which the array cables are connected directly. The capacity factor for the different design options varies between 45,5% and 50,5% depending on the parcel and wind farm and wind turbine power density. The wind farm efficiencies vary between 83,5% and 91,4% due to the different parcel and wind farm and wind turbine power density. The losses due to the Belgian Wind Farms, included in the overall wind farm efficiency, are calculated at approximately 4%.

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