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ECN publication
Trends and opportunities in multilateral climate funds
Cameron, L.R.; Mikunda, T.; Bhasin, S.; Linden, N.H. van der; Altamirano, M.; A.J., van Bodegom
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 17-3-2015
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--15-014 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
68 Download PDF  

To tackle climate change, developing countries must have access to climate technologies and services that enable low carbon development. Achieving this will require a massive ramp-up in climate finance flows to facilitate the necessary investment. Multilateral climate funds are a major channel for climate finance flows from national donors to projects in developing countries. For the Netherlands, tracking climate funds can help identify concrete opportunities for Dutch ‘Climate tech’ firms to establish or expand business overseas. In recognition of this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested ECN Policy Studies to develop a monitoring framework that analyses trends in the pipeline of projects from major climate funds. The focus of the first edition of the monitoring framework, which was presented in June 2014, was on the cleantech sector. In the second edition, which is presented in the present report, the framework has been expanded to also include detailed information on business opportunities in the field of integrated water resources management, coastal zone management, disaster risk management, agriculture, agroforestry and landscape management.

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