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Publications from author Linden, N.H. van der
Linden, N.H. van der; Bodegom van, A; Gebremedhin, E; Rozemeijer, N; Verhagen, J;
Report on the Nexus Humera case study in Ethiopia
ECN-E--18-020 EN maart 2018; 64 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Mikunda, T.; Bhasin, S.; Linden, N.H. van der; Altamirano, M.; A.J., van Bodegom;
Trends and opportunities in multilateral climate funds
ECN-E--15-014 EN maart 2015; 68 pag.
Falzon, J.P.J.; Vignati, F; Halstead, M.I.; Linden, N.H. van der; Pols, D.;
Accelerating uptake of LPG in Maputo for lower income households: Study to support scoping of an intervention
ECN-O--13-063 EN september 2014; 22 pag.
Cameron, L.R.; Mikunda, T.; Bhasin, S.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Trends and opportunities in multilateral climate funds
ECN-E--14-031 EN juli 2014; 47 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Bhasin, S.; Falzon, J.P.J.; Jong, V. de; Haelen, H. van; Costa Pereira, R.;
Capacity Development for strengthening the gas sector in Mozambique
ECN-E--14-027 EN juni 2014; 39 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Wijnker, M.; Kamphuis, E.; Tri Winarno, O.; Smekens, K.E.L.; Bole, T.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Permana, I.;
CASINDO Programme Summary Report
ECN-B--13-008 EN juli 2013; 124 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Haake , F.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Technology transfer in the Clean Development Mechanism
ECN-W--08-017 EN mei 2008; 12 pag.
Published in: Climate Policy (Earthscan), 2008, Ed.7 (5), p.444-456.
Mariyappan, J.; Bhardwaj, N.; Coninck, H.C. de; Linden, N.H. van der;
A guide to bundling small-scale CDM projects
ECN-B--05-002 EN mei 2007; 66 pag.
Wetzelaer, B.J.H.W.; Linden, N.H. van der; Groenenberg, H.; Coninck, H.C. de;
GHG Marginal Abatement Cost curves for the Non-Annex I region
ECN-E--06-060 EN februari 2007; 60 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Haake, F.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Technology transfer in the Clean Development Mechanism
ECN-E--07-009 EN januari 2007; 17 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Sambeek, E.J.W. van; Cooper, D.; Cowan, B.; Mackenzie, G.; Mann, P.;
Alleviation of Poverty through the Provision of Local Energy Services (APPLES). Inception report
ECN-C--05-043 EN november 2005; 43 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Vrolijk, C.; Ericsson, K.; Khan, J.; Nilsson, L.J.; Astrand, K.; Wiser, R.;
Review of international experience with renewable energy obligation support mechanisms
ECN-C--05-025 EN mei 2005; 70 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Roos, C.J.; Linden, N.H. van der; Bhardwaj, N.; Parthan, B.; Green, J.; Mariyappan, J.;
Realising the potential of small-scale CDM Projects in India
ECN-C--04-084 EN november 2004; 51 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Linde, C. van der; Hoogeveen, F.;
The impact of the Kyoto Protocol on the export revenues of OPEC Member States. An update in the light of recent developments
ECN-C--04-093 EN november 2004; 34 pag.
Uyterlinde, M.A.; Jansen, J.C.; Linden, N.H. van der; Vrolijk, C.; Green, J.; Timpe, C.; Bürger, V.; Rivero García, F.; Yerro, G.P.;
Guarantees of origin and multiple counting of electricity from renewable sources. RE-GO phase 3 report
ECN-C--04-098 EN oktober 2004; 47 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Jansen, J.C.; Uyterlinde, M.A.; Bürger, V.; Rivero García, F.; Green, J.; Timpe, C.; Vrolijk, C.; White, S.; Yerro, G.P.;
Guarantees of origin as a tool for renewable energy policy formulation
ECN-C--04-078 EN september 2004; 85 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Tak, C. van der; Ramani, K.V.; Martens, J-W.; Sicheng, W.; Keyun, D.; Shutian, W.; Junfeng, L.;
Analysis of the feasibility of inclusion of decentralised renewable electricity systems into a mandated market share mechanism for China. Executive summary (Chinese)
ECN-C--03-091 CH oktober 2003; 27 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Junfeng, L.; Keyun, D.; Martens, J-W.; Ramani, K.V.; Sicheng, W.; Shutian, W.; Tak, C. van der;
Analysis of the feasibility of inclusion of decentralised renewable electricity systems into a mandated market share mechanism for China. Final report
ECN-C--03-089 EN oktober 2003; 146 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Junfeng, L.; Keyun, D.; Martens, J-W.; Ramani, K.V.; Sicheng, W.; Shutian, W.; Tak, C. van der;
Analysis of the feasibility of inclusion of decentralised renewable electricity systems into a mandated market share mechanism for China. Executive summary
ECN-C--03-090 EN september 2003; 34 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Linden, N.H. van der;
Characteristics of carbon transactions. Joint Implementation, Clean Development Mechanisms and Emission Trading in perspective
ECN-RX--03-057 EN september 2003; 22 pag.
Published in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), 2003, Ed.Vol.14, No.5, p.557-578.
Coninck, H.C. de; Linden, N.H. van der; Tellam, I.; Hoog Antink, E.;
Public private partnerships voor armoedebestrijding. Duidelijke daden of mooie woorden?
ECN-C--03-024 NL mei 2003; 17 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Linden, N.H. van der;
An overview of carbon transactions. General characteristics and specific peculiarities
ECN-C--03-022 EN maart 2003; 25 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Sijm, J.P.M.; Dankers, A.P.H.;
De evenwichtsprijs voor emissiereductie-eenheden. Een actualisatie naar aanleiding van recente ontwikkelingen
ECN-C--01-127 NL februari 2002; 22 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; Boots, M.G.; Heuij, H.J.F.P. van den; Linden, N.H. van der; Sambeek, E.J.W. van; Wals, A.F.;
Energy policy framework developments in industrialised countries. Some observations on the relevancy for China
ECN-C--01-026 EN maart 2001; 48 pag.
Dogger, J.D.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Vervaart, M.R.; Jansen, J.C.; Linden, N.H. van der; Lafleur, M.C.C.; Lasschuit, P.E.;
Life-cycle analysis and optimisation of solar home systems : interim report over 1999 of ENGINE project 74513
ECN-C--00-047 EN juni 2000; 34 pag.
Linden, N.H. van der; Ybema, J.R.; Beeldman, M.; Rooijen, S.N.M. van;
Potentiëlen en kosten van broeikasgasreductie in binnen- en buitenland : een samenvattende analyse
ECN-C--00-015 NL maart 2000; 23 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; Linden, N.H. van der; Berg, M.J. van den; Martens, J.W.; Ormel, F.T.; Rooijen, S.N.M. van; Heaps, C.; Kartha, S.; Lazarus, M.; Ruth, M.; Lee, R.; Mendis, M.;
Potential and cost of clean development mechanism options in the energy sector: inventory of options in non-Annex I countries to reduce GHG emissions
ECN-C--99-095 EN december 1999; 32 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; Lako, P.; Mansvelt Beck, F.W.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Long term prospects for fossil fuel prices
ECN-C--95-046 EN 1996; 95 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Linden, N.H. van der; Maly, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Czech Republic :phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-016 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Svobodova, M.; Linden, N.H. van der; Kosdy, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Slovak Republic: phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-022 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Hille, E.; Leeuwen, M.J. van; Linden, N.H. van der; Niemyski, M.; Pellekaan, W.O.; Szukalski, S.; Umer, A.; Velthuijsen, J.W.;
Task force on integrated energy and environmental planning: volume II: integrated economy-energy-environment policy in Poland; a computable ; general equilibrium modelling approach
ECN-C--93-030 EN 1993; 107 pag.
Broek, M. van den; Linden, N.H. van der;
Energy and environmental scenarios for Poland up to 2015 : An analysis performed with the EFOM-ENV/GAMS model = ECN-I--92-024
ECN-I--92-024 EN 1992; 51 pag.
Sinyak, Y.; Linden, N.H. van der;
Energy scenarios for Eastern Europe (1980-2030).
ECN-I--90-033 EN 1990; 22 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Linden, N.H. van der;
European economic integration and the prospects for natural gas. : Paper presented at the EAEE conference 'Energy trends, integrated Europe, ; decentralized USSR', Tallinn, 21-24 October 1990.
ECN-R--90-009 EN 1990; 0 pag.