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ECN publication
Accelerating uptake of LPG in Maputo for lower income households: Study to support scoping of an intervention
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 16-9-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--13-063 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
22 Download PDF  

In a joint publication “It is time for Gas: Why this is the ideal moment to introduce gas to the low-income families of the City of Maputo”, SNV, FUNAE and Maputo City Council identified that LPG could play a more important role in providing cooking energy to low-middle income households in Maputo. With charcoal prices increasing rapidly, increasing 260% in the last 3 years according to their study (partly due to the reduced biomass stock in southern regions), the market for LPG has become more attractive. 63% of respondents in a survey conducted by SNV in partnership with FUNAE and the city council are aware that gas is an ideal alternative for cooking, however usage rates remain extremely low, for a variety of reasons. Having identified the potential opportunity, in order to provide a more concrete basis for the scoping of an intervention, SNV Mozambique and the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) formed a partnership to undertake the current study to analyse the LPG sector in Maputo city. SNV started work in Mozambique in 1996 and has played an important role in the clean cooking sector, supporting the market development for more efficient uses and alternatives to charcoal. ECN Policy Studies provides knowledge and strategies that matter for a sustainable energy future. The 65 researchers in the unit have a back-ground in a variety of disciplines such as social science, engineering, economics and environmental sciences, and collaborate in project teams to address energy and climate policy challenges using quantitative tools and qualitative analysis.

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