Publications from author Pols, D.
Harms, N.H.; Cameron, L.R.; Pols, D.;
Introduction to Climate Technologies for Mitigation
april 2015;
51 pag.
Presented at: CTCN webinar, , , 8 April 2015.
Falzon, J.P.J.; Pols, D.; King'uyu, S; Wang'ombe, E;
Inside stories on climate compatible development
februari 2015;
6 pag.
Pols, D.;
Sustainable Energy Policy Mobilizing public and private investment
november 2014;
15 pag.
Bhasin, S.; Pols, D.;
Joining Forces on Renewable Energy
oktober 2014;
2 pag.
Falzon, J.P.J.; Vignati, F; Halstead, M.I.; Linden, N.H. van der; Pols, D.;
Accelerating uptake of LPG in Maputo for lower income households: Study to support scoping of an intervention
september 2014;
22 pag.