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ECN publication
Marktsimulatiemodel voor energiebesparing bij huishoudens
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--95-026 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
33 Download PDF  

A model to determine the market response to energy saving options isdescribed. The model is part of an overall method for structuring the marketing activities in order to increase the cost effectiveness of these activities. The report first describes the overall approach and then focuses on the market simulation model. The model describes the behaviour of the market of energy consumers and the effects that this behaviour resorts on energy use. Also some calculations were performed, mainly to illustrate the possible outcomes of the model, but also with some interesting numerical results. The model is meant to be used by energy distribution companies in the Netherlands. Actual use of the model and monitoring the results of activities helps in making the model more reliable. 2 figs., 10 tabs., 1 appendix, 10 refs.

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