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ECN publication
Sectoral European energy model SEEM: a model description
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1995
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--95-033 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
74 Download PDF  

SEEM is a tool to analyse effects of economic and energy relateddevelopments and policies (e.g. European integration, energy prices, liberalization of markets, varying economic growth rates) on energy demand and CO2 emissions. The model consists of four demand sectors, viz. households, services, industry, and transport, and one supply sector electricity production, resulting in endogenous electricity price formation. It combines an econometric and a more technological oriented approach, where cost minimizing behaviour is assumed for all sectors. For each sector the model is based on a step wise factor or fuel share approach. In the first step demand for production factors or consumer goods is determined, based on among others assumptions on economic growth, prices and elasticities. This results in total energy input in a sector, which will be disaggregated based on relative fuel costs. One of the outputs of the four demand sectors is electricity demand, which is used as input for the electricity production sector. Based on relative production costs the structure of the electricity sector is determined, which results in electricity production costs. In the sector models (end-user) prices are calculated as sum of (world market) import prices, direct energy taxes, margins, and value added taxes. Technological progress is specified exogenous for the sectors households, services, and industry, by introducing an autonomous efficiency improvement parameter. In the transport and electricity production sector technology related information is included, which simulates introduction of new technologies or BAT (Best Available Technology). Data used in the model are in general based on IEA data sources, and completed by technical data from EFOM databases, transport data from the International Road Federation, and data from several other sources. 10 figs., 26 refs., 5 appendices.

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