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ECN publication
Energy Agency of the Czech Republic: evaluation and recommendations
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1996
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-I--96-016 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
38 Download PDF  

This study was aimed to advise the Energy Policy Department of the ministry of Trade of the Czech Republic and Czech Government about the past performance of the Energy Agency of the Czech Republic and to formulate recommendations for an improved functioning of this organisation. Starting point was an evaluation of Energy Agencies in a number of OECD countries (Netherlands, France, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom, and Germany). A typology of each Energy Agency is presented to assist in the process of selecting an improved institutional setting of the Czech Energy Agency. Next, the activities of the Energy Agency so far were evaluated, clearly showing a poor functioning which was partly caused by the organizational structure. It was recommended to reorganize the Agency completely. A proposal for a new organisation of the Czech Energy Agency, including its proposed statutes, was formulated. Programmes to be implemented focus on three main areas, viz. energy efficiency in buildings and the industry, conservation technologies, and programmes for new and renewable energy sources

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