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ECN publication
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental Research 20-7-2011
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--11-079 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
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The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) has executed an extensive research and development programme in which the most important aspects of torrefaction and pelletisation were investigated. In this paper, some results of these investigations with different types of biomass (deciduous, herbaceous and coniferous) and interesting waste streams are outlined. ECN’s torrefaction technology comprises of a dedicated (moving-bed) reactor and process design. In the framework of the R&D programme, a 50–100 kg/h pilot plant “PATRIG” was commissioned and several 10–100 hour test runs with various types of biomass were executed to validate the design. The produced tonnes of torrefied material were used in semi-industrial milling and pelletisation trials. Results of these torrefaction, milling and pelletisation trials are highlighted as well. In general, a well-controlled torrefaction temperature proves essential for a good torrefied product quality control, which is crucial for a proper pelletisation performance. The extensive torrefaction and pelletisation test work up to pilot-plant scale forms a solid base for the scale-up and demonstration of the ECN technology. ECN has teamed up with industrial partners (e.g., Vattenfall) to first demonstrate the technology at a scale of several tonnes per hour and then pursue global commercial market introduction.

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