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ECN publication
Electrical Integration of North Sea Wind Power Plants using Interconnectors
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 8-12-2014
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-M--14-065 Conference Paper
Number of pages: Full text:
6 Download PDF  

In this paper the feasibility of an Interconnecting Link (IL)between the Netherlands and the UK is studied for a specific case of two planned offshore wind power plants in the North Sea. First the most promising scenarios and conceptual designs for this combined utilization are presented. The feasibility of these scenarios is being assessed from a technical, socio-economic and legal point of view. Finally an inventory of bottlenecks and required innovations is being performed, with regard to technology as well as on market and regulatory aspects. The paper shows that in 2020 it is technically possible to build an interconnecting link between the UK and Dutch grids via one or both of these WPPs, either by existing HVAC solutions or by HVDC solutions. Under international law it is possible to construct an IL, but EU law and national legislation do not facilitate the operation of an IL.

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