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Publications from author Kester, J.C.P. 
Kester, J.C.P.;
Safe and reliable PV modules (SANREMO) - Public Final report
ECN-E--16-046 NL oktober 2016; 3 pag.
Soleimanzadeh, M.; Kester, J.C.P.; Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.;
Assessment of the electrical system design and offshore transmission systems for the case study wind farms
ECN-E--14-061 EN februari 2015; 79 pag.
Kester, J.C.P.;
Interconnecting North Sea Wind Power Plants
ECN-L--14-081 EN december 2014; 22 pag.
Presented at: Wind Integration Workshop 2014 , Berlijn, Germany, 12-11-2014.
Kester, J.C.P.; Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J.;
Electrical Integration of North Sea Wind Power Plants using Interconnectors
ECN-M--14-065 EN december 2014; 6 pag.