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ECN publication
Market and regulatory incentives for cost efficient integration of DG in the electricity system. IMPROGRES project final report
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 5-5-2010
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--10-006 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
48 Download PDF  

Achieving the European target of 20% reduction of greenhouse gases in 2020 relies for a major part on increasing the share of renewable electricity generation, and more efficient fossil fuel based generation in combined heat and power installations. Most of these renewable and CHP generators are smaller in size than conventional power plants and are therefore usually connected to distribution grids instead of transmission grids. Different support schemes for renewable energy sources (RES) have been successfully implemented and have resulted in a rapid growth of distributed generation (DG). IMPROGRES scenario analysis shows that the installed capacity of DG in the EU-25 is expected to increase from 201 GW in 2008 to about 317 GW in 2020. A large part of this increase will be made up of more variable and less controllable renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaics.

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