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ECN publication
Cost-efficient and sustainable deployment of renewable energy sources towards the 20% target
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 3-1-2012
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-O--11-081 Other
Number of pages: Full text:
76 Download PDF  

This document reports activities and results of Task 2.1 of the Intelligent Energy Europe supported project RES4Less. In preparation for the analysis conducted in this task, and task 2.2, an extensive update of the modelling tools used took place, to which many people contributed. The results clearly highlight opportunities for surpluses from wind energy in the North of Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany) and from solar energy in the South-West of Europe (CSP in Spain and PV in France). The analysis shows that (a part of) these surpluses could be allocated to countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Greece and Italy via a suitable cooperation mechanism. This would bring economic advantages for both the user and the host countries. Biomass seems to pay a relatively small role in the VoO analysis. This can be due to a combination of several factors: (i) electricity from certain biomass technologies is relatively cheap and therefore often results as non-surplus option in the cost-supply curves, (ii) biomass is an abundant resource in Eastern European countries, however only few of these countries are predicted to have a surplus, and (iii) biomass could play a big role in the RES-Heating sector which is presently not included in the analysis.

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