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ECN publication
NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation: subgroup 13: Intermediate Energy data final report and recommendations for follow-up
Published by: Publication date:
ECN NUC 1998
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--98-014 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Contribution to the NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation (), , , Vol., p.-.

Subgroup 13 (SG13) on Intermediate Energy Nuclear Data was formed by theNEA Nuclear Science Committee in 1994 to solve common problems of intermediate energy nuclear data for nuclear applications. The first meeting was chaired by the monitor, the late Dr. Kikuchi of JAERI, during the Gatlinburg conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology in 1994. The enormous interest in accelerator-driven systems that has emerged in the past decade has resulted in an associated interest, and importance, of intermediate energy nuclear data. Of course, this topic itself covers many aspects: from basic nuclear model calculations and microscopic experiments to applied transport calculations. The main scope of SG13 has always been to focus the present expertise in the various branches of research, thereby primarily using transmutation of waste as the objective. The general nature of SG13, combined with the aforementioned boost in accelerator-driven system research, has entailed that the range of SG13 has become very wide. With various national and international activities on intermediate energy nuclear data now well underway, it may be the right moment to finalize this subgroup and to discuss possible new subgroups that handle the most crucial subtopics of intermediate energy nuclear data, i.e. subgroups that are entirely devoted to more strictly defined tasks. In this final report, an overview is given of the present status of the various activities of SG13 including a list of recommendations for follow-up actions. Most reports related to SG13 can be obtained electronically from the NEA Data Bank Internet site. In particular the following WWW-pages contain relevant documents:;; and 22 refs.

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