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Publications from author Koning, A.J. 
Koning, A.J.;
MCNPX analysis of 68 MeV neutron transmission on iron
ECN-R--98-017 EN februari 1999; 19 pag.
Duijvestijn, M.C.; Koning, A.J.; Beijers, J.P.M.; Ferrari, A.; Gastal, M.; Klinken, J. van; Ostendorf, R.W.; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Kernfysisch, ;
Proton-induced fission at 190 MeV of natW, 197Au, natPb and 232Th
ECN-RX--98-049 EN augustus 1998; 26 pag.
Published in: Submitted to Physical Review C (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
Review of LA150 library for ENDF/B-VI: Subgroup 13/22 of the Working Party on Evaluation Coordination
ECN-RX--98-067 EN 1998; 0 pag.
Published in: To be presented at CSEWG Meeting, Brookhaven, New York, USA, 20-22 October 1998 (), , Ed., p.-.
Freudenreich, W.E.; Gruppelaar, H.; Hogenbirk, A.; Koning, A.J.;
Accelerator-driven-systems TH-ADS benchmark calculations: results of stage 1
ECN-R--97-012 EN 1998; 35 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Chadwick, M.B.; Young, P.G.;
ENDF/B-VI neutron and proton data files up to 150 MeV for 63Cu and 65Cu
ECN-R--98-011 EN 1998; 19 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Chadwick, M.B.; Macfarlane, R.E.; Mashnik, S.; Wilson, W.B.;
Neutron and proton transmutation-activation cross section libraries to 150 MeV for application in accelerator-driven systems and radioactive ion beam target-design studies
ECN-R--98-012 EN 1998; 120 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation: subgroup 13: Intermediate Energy data final report and recommendations for follow-up
ECN-RX--98-014 EN 1998; 15 pag.
Published in: Contribution to the NEANSC working party on evaluation cooperation (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Nuclear data for accelerator-driven systems: nuclear models experiments and data libraries
ECN-RX--98-015 EN 1998; 31 pag.
Published in: Submitted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
Workshop on nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors: physics, design and safety
ECN-RX--98-027 EN 1998; 33 pag.
Published in: Two contributions presented at the Workshop on nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors: physics, design and safety, 23 Feb. - (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
ENDF6-transformation of the MENDL-2 and wind transmutation libraries
ECN-C--97-043 EN 1997; 65 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Hogenbirk, A.;
High-energy nuclear data files: from ENDF-6 to NJOY to MCNP
ECN-C--97-044 EN 1997; 14 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
ECN contributions to NDST-97
ECN-RX--97-038 EN 1997; 58 pag.
Published in: Papers, presented at the international conference on nuclear data for science and technology, May 19-24, 1997, Trieste, Italy (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.;
ECISVIEW: an interactive toolbox for optical model development
ECN-RX--97-046 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: Presented at the Specialists' meeting on the nucleon nucleus optical model up to 200 MeV, 13-15 November 1996, Bruyeres-le-Chate (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Delaroche, J.-P.; Bersillon, O.; CEA. Centre d'Etudes de Bruyeres-le-Chat, ;
Neutron and proton data files up to 150 MeV for 54Fe, 56Fe, 58Ni and 60Ni
ECN-RX--97-047 EN 1997; 28 pag.
Published in: Papers presented at the JEFF Specialists' meeting on intermediate energy data, 18 June 1997, NEA data bank, Paris (), , Ed., p.-.
Koning, A.J.; Chadwick, M.B.;
Multistep direct reactions: a microscopic two-component approach
ECN-RX--97-055 EN 1997; 10 pag.
Published in: Presented at the Specialists' meeting on the nucleon nucleus optical model up to 200 MeV, 13-15 November 1996, Bruyeres-le-Chate (), , Ed., p.-.
Gruppelaar, H.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutations of nuclear waste: progress report RAS programme 1995:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--96-002 EN 1996; 42 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
ECN contributions to ADTT '96
ECN-RX--96-041 EN 1996; 27 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Gruppelaar, H.; Hogenbirk, A.;
Fluctuation factors in the EFF-3.0 file for 56Fe [ECN-R--95-018 ;EFF-DOC-381]
ECN-R--95-018 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.; Koning, A.J.; Gruppelaar, H.;
Validation of the EFF-3.0 evaluation for 56Fe [ECN-R--95-019 ;EFF-DOC-382]
ECN-R--95-019 EN 1995; 27 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Gruppelaar, H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Abrahams, K.; Blankenvoorde, P.J.A.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutation of nuclear waste: status report RAS programme 1994:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--95-025 EN 1995; 107 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Contribution to the NEA code and model intercomparison for intermediate energy reactions
ECN-R--93-019 EN 1993; 31 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Gruppelaar, H.;
Nuclear data evaluation for accelerator-based transmutation of radioactive waste
ECN-RX--93-069 EN 1993; 8 pag.
Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Abrahams, K.; Gruppelaar, H.;
Onderzoek nucleaire gegevens voor transmutatie
ECN-C--93-067 NL 1993; 34 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Requirements for an evaluated nuclear data file for accelerator-based transmutation
ECN-C--93-041 EN 1993; 49 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Review of high energy data and model codes for accelerator-based transmutation
ECN-C--93-005 EN 1993; 131 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Computational comparison of quantum-mechanical models for multi-step direct reactions
ECN-RX--92-041 EN 1992; 41 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Multi-step direct reactions
ECN-R--92-004 EN 1992; 112 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Quantummechanical multi-step direct models for nuclear data applications
ECN-RX--92-066 EN 1992; 8 pag.
Avrigeanu, M.; Hodgson, P.E.; Koning, A.J.;
Semi-classical and quantum-mechanical pre-equilibrium neutron emission
ECN-RX--92-075 EN 1992; 17 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Theoretical intercomparison of multi-step direct reaction models ; Computational intercomparison of multi-step direct reaction models
ECN-RX--92-043 EN 1992; 40 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Intercomparison of multi-step direct reaction models.
ECN-RX--91-052 EN 1991; 5 pag.
Koning, A.J.;
Alternative statistics in multi-step direct reaction theory. : Contribution to the 3rd CRP meeting on methods for the calculation of neutron. ;
ECN-RX--90-039 EN 1990; 0 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Akkermans, J.M.;
Randomness in multi-step direct reactions.
ECN-RX--90-065 EN 1990; 0 pag.