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ECN publication
Biomass gasification research in fixed bed and fluidised bed reactors
Published by: Publication date:
ECN 1997
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-RX--97-011 Article (scientific)
Number of pages:

Published in: Presented at the international conference "Gasification and pyrolysis of biomass", Stuttgart, Germany, April 1997 (), , , Vol., p.-.

A wide variety of biomass types is considered as a fuel for gasification.The exact gasification behaviour for these streams is unknown, which hampers full-scale implementation. At ECN a package of tools has been developed to determine gasification characteristics and to evaluate integral gasification concepts. These tools consist of theoretical models, laboratory equipment and pilot-scale installations. Attention is focused on supporting the commercial development of DownDraft Fixed Bed (DDFB) gasification for smaller scale (1-10 MWth) combined heat and power systems and of Bubbling/Circulating Fluidised Bed (BFB/CFB) gasification for larger systems (>10 MWth). BFB and CFB pilot-scale testing is conducted in a 0.7 MWth test facility. The initial experimental programme is envisaged to consist of test-runs with short rotation willow, waste wood and roadside grass. It will be conducted in close cooperation with a main feedstock supplier in the Netherlands. Besides general operability aspects, fuel gas composition and fuel gas rate, conversion efficiency, and axial temperature- and pressure profiles will be determined. DDFB pilot-scale testing is performed in ECN's 0.3 MWth atmospheric air-blown gasifier. Both pilot-scale installations already have been operated successfully on wood. The DDFB installation has also been operated successfully on coal/straw mixtures. With respect to the modelling, a steady-state reactor model for Bubbling Fluidised Bed (BFB) gasification is available already, while a steady-state model for CFB gasification is being developed. In addition, the development of a reactor model for DDFB gasification is foreseen. The models require a series of empirical input parameters, which are derived from standardised laboratory-scale tests. Standardised experimental procedures have been developed to determine these parameters using, e.g. a lab-scale BFB reactor and a thermogravimetric analyser. The results of the pilot-scale testing will be used to validate reactor models. 3 figs., 1 tab., 9 refs.

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