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ECN publication
DOWEC concept study. Task 12: cost comparison of the selected concepts
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 1-8-2001
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--01-080 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
34 Download PDF  

In this report the work performed for task 12 of the Dowec concept study project is reported. Task 12 consisted of multidisciplinary optimisation of the complete wind energy conversion system, an off-shore wind farm, taking into account the wind turbines, the foundations, the electric infrastructure and the operations and maintenance. The aim of this optimisation was to find quantitative difference between 5 different wind turbine concepts.Due to limited data for the foundation, electric infrastructure and O&M cost, optimisation was not very useful in the end. The work performed is a cost comparison between 5 different concepts of wind turbines applying the known differences to the cost of the foundations, electric infrastructure and O&M cost/availability. All concepts had a cost of energy price level between 4,5 Euroct/kWh (robust) and 5.5. Euroct/kWh (Advanced stall). Recommendations for the further research are given, aiming at a more solid basis for the choise of the wind turbine concept.

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