ECN publication
Observed and predicted wind speed time series in the Netherlands and the North Sea. Work Package 2 we@sea project System Integration and Balance Control.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 31-8-2006
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--06-007 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
46 Download PDF  

This report presents the wind data for a study on the power variations in the Dutch electricity system due to wind energy and the measures to mitigate these variations. These wind data consist of: · A representative offshore wind regime and an estimate of wind speed forecasting accuracy, and · Simultaneous time series of 15-minute averaged observed and predicted wind speed in 5 locations in the North Sea and in 2 locations in the Netherlands. Also presented are the transformations from sensor height to evaluation height and from 10-minute periods to 15-minute periods that were used to create the observed wind data from the measured wind data. The time series are applied in an analysis of wind speed variations on different scales (and the resulting wind power variations) and an analysis of wind speed forecasting errors.

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