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Publications from author Harmelen, T. van
Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.; Jabinski, I.; Manoilova, T.;
Energy demand and supply in Bulgaria and Haskovo region: technical report for the Phare Project 'Energy concept/regional energy centre for the pilot region of Haskovo'
ECN-C--97-067 EN 1997; 136 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Kruijk, H. de; Stoffer, A.; Maly, M.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of the Czech Republic [ECN-C--94-101]
ECN-C--94-101 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.; Kruijk, H. de; Salamonova, A.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of Slovakia
ECN-C--94-102 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.; Aaserud, M.; Brubakk, L.; Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versus fragmentation
ECN-C--95-075 EN 1995; 79 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Broek, M. van den; Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Pellekaan, W.O.;
Experiences with the application of different energy models in East European countries
ECN-RX--93-071 EN juli 1993; 25 pag.
Presented at: International Workship on Environmental Management, Geneva, Switzerland, 6-9 januari 1993.
Harmelen, T. van; Ybema, J.R.;
Costs of CO2 reduction technologies for the Netherlands.
ECN-C--92-032 EN 1992; 32 pag.
Broek, M. van den; Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van; Arkel, W.G. van;
The EC energy and environment model EFOM-ENV specified in GAMS : The case of the Netherlands.
ECN-C--92-003 EN 1992; 79 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Evaluatie DG XVII en DG XII CO2-scenario's per land.
ECN-C--92-009 NL 1992; 90 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Linden, N. van der; Oostvoorn, F. van;
Evaluation of EC scenarios for CO2 emission reduction.
ECN-C--92-070 EN 1992; 98 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Bakema, G.F. Directorate-General for Science, Researc;
Data collection on renewables for EC CO2-reduction study: The Netherlands DERE subprogramme.
ECN-C--91-019 EN 1991; 34 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Wees, F.G.H. van;
Industrial heat & power: An economic accounting framework.
ECN-I--91-072 EN 1991; 70 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van;
Mitigation strategies for CO2. : An EC perspective
ECN-RX--91-076 EN 1991; 0 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Harmelen, T. van; Wees, F.G.H. van; Heel, T. van; Lontay, Z.;
Selecting profitable locations for cogeneration in Hungary. : Presented at VDI-tagung, 28-29 november 1991, Dresden
ECN-RX--91-115 EN 1991; 0 pag.