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Publications from author Kuik, G.A.M. van
Brand, A.J.; Lindenburg, C.; Dekker, J.W.M.; Visser, B.; Kuik, G.A.M. van;
Stall Flexteeter: computations
ECN-C--95-010 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Groot, C.M. de; Hagg, F.; Joosse, P.A.; Kuik, G.A.M. van; Heerkes, H.J.;
Test results for FLEXTEETER : a flexible rotor with fast passive pitch control
ECN-RX--93-031 EN 1993; 7 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Snel, H.; Hansen, N.O.T.; Kuik, G.A.M. van; Baars, G.E. van; Bongers, P.M.M.;
Validating wind turbine design codes by analysing teeter, 'free' flap and 'free' lead/lag motions
ECN-RX--93-025 EN 1993; 7 pag.
Kuik, G.A.M. van; Dekker, J.W.M.;
The FLEXHAT programme: Technology development and testing of flexible rotor systems with fast passive pitch control. : Published in Proceedings ; of the European wind energy conference 1991 (EWEC '91), Amsterdam, 14-18 October 1991.
ECN-RX--91-042 EN 1991; 0 pag.