Publications from author Strootman, K.J.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Strootman, K.J.;
Performance of 10 heatpump systems in a field test
november 2005;
4 pag.
Presented at: European Conference and Cooperation Exchange on Sustainable Energy Systems 2005, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 oktober 2005.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Bakker, E.J.; Strootman, K.J.; Schuitema, R.; Helden, W.G.J. van;
Integral energy research in buildings; research and development with full scale research dwellings
november 2005;
5 pag.
Presented at: CISBAT, Lausanne, Switzerland, 28 september 2005.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Bakker, E.J.; Strootman, K.J.; Schuitema, R.; Helden, W.G.J. van;
Integral energy research in buildings; Research and development with full scale research facility
oktober 2005;
5 pag.
Presented at: European Conference and Cooperation Exchange on Sustainable Energy Systems 2005, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 oktober 2005.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Strootman, K.J.;
Performance of 10 heatpump systems in a field test; evaluation of data monitoring and experiences
oktober 2005;
7 pag.
Presented at: European Conference and Cooperation Exchange on Sustainable Energy Systems 2005, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 oktober 2005.
Bakker, M.; Zondag, H.A.; Elswijk, M.J.; Strootman, K.J.; Jong, M.J.M.;
Performance and costs of a roof-sized PV/thermal array combined with a ground coupled heat pump
maart 2005;
10 pag.
Published in: Solar Energy, Vol. 78, 2005, p. 331-339 (), , Ed., p.-.
Jong, M.J.M.; Elswijk, M.J.; Strootman, K.J.;
Simulating PV-thermal collectors in large solar systems in TRNSYS
december 2004;
14 pag.
Presented at: TRNSYS User day, Stuttgart, Germany, 26 maart 2004.
Elswijk, M.J.; Jong, M.J.M.; Strootman, K.J.; Braakman, J.N.C.; Lange, E.T.N. de; Smit, W.F.;
Photovoltaic/thermal collectors in large solar thermal systems
juni 2004;
6 pag.
Presented at: 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 7-11 juni 2004.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Strootman, K.J.;
Meetresultaten van 10 warmtepompinstallaties te Uithoorn
maart 2004;
94 pag.
Elswijk, M.J.; Strootman, K.J.; Jong, M.J.M.; Lange, E.T.N. de; Smit, W.F.;
PVT in collectieve zonthermische systemen
december 2003;
59 pag.
Helden, W.G.J. van; Zondag, H.A.; Bakker, M.; Elswijk, M.J.; Jong, M.J.M.; Strootman, K.J.;
PVT panels and PVT collectors: pathways to distributed solar cogeneration
december 2003;
3 pag.
Presented at: European Solar Thermal Energy Conference (ESTEC), Freiburg, Germany, 26-27 juni 2003.
Bakker, M.; Strootman, K.J.; Jong, M.J.M.;
PVT Panels: fully renewable and competitive
oktober 2003;
7 pag.
Bakker, M.; Strootman, K.J.; Jong, M.J.M.; Elswijk, M.J.;
PVT Bodemregeneratie: Haalbaarheidsstudie naar bodemregeneratie met behulp van een dakvullend PVT-systeem
oktober 2003;
44 pag.
Menkveld, M.; Jeeninga, H.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Strootman, K.J.;
Verkenningen energie-infrastructuur Amsterdam-Noord
april 2003;
39 pag.
Boer, B.J. de; Kaan, H.F.; Jong, M.J.M.; Koene, F.G.H.; Strootman, K.J.;
De optimale PZE-woning: Literatuurstudie, Conceptontwikkeling & Voorlopig Ontwerp
april 2003;
77 pag.
Bakker, E.J.; Strootman, K.J.;
Parameterstudie waterzijdig inregelen: cv-optimalisatie in woningen
maart 2003;
32 pag.
Strootman, K.J.;
Monitoring en evaluatie gebouw 40. Ontwerp versus praktijk
december 2002;
29 pag.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Strootman, K.J.;
Nulemissie woning 'De Edele Steen' : de woning als zonnecollector
mei 2001;
50 pag.