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Publications from author Bronsveld, P.C.P. 
Coletti, G.; Manshanden, P.; Bernardini, S.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Gutjahr, A.; Hu, B.; Li, F.;
Removing the effect of striations in n-type silicon solar cells
ECN-W--14-043 EN november 2014; 5 pag.
Published in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (Elsevier), 2014, Ed.130, p.647-651.
Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Coletti, G.; Schuring, E.W.; Roos, C.M.;
SiN precipitate formation related to metal contamination of multicrystalline silicon for solar cells
ECN-M--10-015 EN september 2010; 4 pag.
Presented at: 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition - 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Valencia, Spain, 6-10 september 2010.
Kwapil, W.; Kasemann, M.; Gundel, P.; Schubert, M.; Warta, W.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Coletti, G.;
Diode breakdown related to recombination active defects in block-cast multicrystalline silicon solar cells
ECN-W--09-018 EN september 2009; 7 pag.
Published in: Journal of Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics), 2009, Ed.106, 063530, p.-.
Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Naber, R.C.G.; Geerligs, L.J.; Pozigun, S.; Syvertsen, M.; Knopf, C.; Kvande, R.;
P-type multicrystalline-Si solar cells using blended SOLSILC silicon
ECN-M--09-018 EN september 2009; 3 pag.
Presented at: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 september 2009.
Manshanden, P.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Geerligs, L.J.;
Stable and efficient p-type multicrystalline silicon cells containing 20 PPMA interstitial oxygen
ECN-M--09-035 EN september 2009; 3 pag.
Presented at: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 september 2009.
Coletti, G.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Knopf, C.; Swanson, C.; Kvande, R.; Arnberg, L.; Habenight, H.; Warta, W.;
Impact of iron, nickel and chromium in feedstock on multicrystalline silicon solar cell properties
ECN-M--09-036 EN september 2009; 4 pag.
Presented at: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 september 2009.
Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Geerligs, L.J.; Coletti, G.; Ovrelid, E.J.; Kvande, R.; Stokkan, G.; Olsen, E.;
Impact of aluminum contamination in MC-Si solar cells
ECN-M--09-038 EN september 2009; 4 pag.
Presented at: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 september 2009.
Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Knopf, C.; Swanson, C.; Kvande, R.; Arnberg, L.; Habenight, H.; Warta, W.; Coletti, G.;
Impact of iron, nickel and chromium in feedstock on multicrystalline silicon solar cell properties
ECN-M--09-079 EN juni 2009; 4 pag.
Presented at: 3rd International Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Trondheim, Norway, 3-5 juni 2009.
Coletti, G.; Bronsveld, P.C.P.; Kvande, R.; Geerligs, L.J.; Arnberg, L.; Habenight, H.; Warta, W.; Knopf, C.;
Impact of transition metals in feedstock on multicrystalline silicon solar cell properties
ECN-M--09-015 EN januari 2009; 2 pag.
Presented at: 18th Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Kolkata, India, 19-23 januari 2009.