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Publications of type Article (scientific) in 2003.
Sijm, J.P.M.; Sorrell, S.;
Carbon trading in the policy mix
ECN-RX--03-066 EN december 2003; 18 pag.
Published in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 420-437 (), , Ed., p.-.
Coninck, H.C. de; Linden, N.H. van der;
Characteristics of carbon transactions. Joint Implementation, Clean Development Mechanisms and Emission Trading in perspective
ECN-RX--03-057 EN september 2003; 22 pag.
Published in: Energy & Environment (Multi-Science Publishing co Ltd), 2003, Ed.Vol.14, No.5, p.557-578.
Zondag, H.A.; Helden, W.G.J. van; Vries, D.W. de; Zolingen, R.J.C. van; Steenhoven, A.A. van;
The yield of different combined PV-thermal collector designs
ECN-RX--03-053 EN augustus 2003; 17 pag.
Published in: Solar Energy, Vol. 74, no. 3, p. 253-269.ISSN 0038-092X (), , Ed., p.-.
Tijani, M.E.H.; Spoelstra, S.; Bach, P.W.;
Thermal-relaxation dissipation in thermoacoustic systems
ECN-RX--03-054 EN augustus 2003; 22 pag.
Published in: Applied Acoustics (Elsevier), 2004, Ed.Vol. 65, Number 1, p.1-13.
Kroon, J.M.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Wienk, M.M.; Knol, J.; Hummelen, J.C.; Hal, P.A. van; Janssen, R.A.J.;
Efficient Methano[70] fullerene/MDMO-PPV Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells
ECN-RX--03-049 EN juli 2003; 5 pag.
Published in: Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Wiley-VCH), 2003, Ed.42, p.3371-3375.
Svensson, M.; Zhang, F.; Veenstra, S.C.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Hummelen, J.C.; Kroon, J.M.; Inganas, O.; Andersson, M.R.;
High performance polymer solar cells of an alternating polyfluorene copolymer and a fullerene derivative
ECN-RX--05-097 EN juni 2003; 4 pag.
Published in: Advanced Materials (Wiley-VCH), 2003, Ed.15, p.988-991.
Boerrigter, H.;
'Green' diesel production with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
ECN-RX--03-014 EN mei 2003; 13 pag.
Published in: Presented at the Business Meeting Bio-Energy, Platform Bio-Energie,13 September 2002 (), , Ed., p.-.
Sambeek, E.J.W. van; Uyterlinde, M.A.;
Decentralized generation. Development of EU policies
ECN-RX--03-023 EN mei 2003; 6 pag.
Published in: Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production. (page 63 upto 68) (), , Ed., p.-.
Kroon, J.M.; Hal, P.A. van; Wienk, M.M.; Janssen, R.A.J.;
TiO2 sensitized with an oligo(p-phenylenevinylene) carboxylic acid: a new model compound for a hybrid solar cell
ECN-RX--03-028 EN mei 2003; 4 pag.
Published in: Journal of Materials Chemistry (The Royal Society of Chemistry), 2003, Ed.13, p.1054-1057.
Kroon, J.M.; Hinsch, A.;
Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
ECN-RX--03-013 EN april 2003; 19 pag.
Published in: Chapter 7 of "Organic Photovoltaics, Concepts and realization", C.J.Brabec, V. Dyakonov, J. Parisi, N.S. Sariciftci (editors). (), , Ed., p.-.
Jansen, J.C.;
A green jewel box?
ECN-RX--03-009 EN maart 2003; 1 pag.
Published in: Environmental Finance, March 2003 (), , Ed., p.-.
Späth, M.; Sommeling, P.M.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Smit, H.J.P.; Burg, N.P.G. van der; Mahieu, D.R.; Bakker, N.J.; Kroon, J.M.;
Reproducible Manufacturing of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells on a Semi-automated Baseline
ECN-RX--03-010 EN maart 2003; 15 pag.
Published in: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.), 2003, Ed.11, p.207-220.
Zwart, R.W.R.;
Technical, economic and environmental potential of co-firing of biomass and waste in natural gas fired turbines and combined cycles
ECN-RX--03-003 EN maart 2003; 8 pag.
Published in: Please refer to this report as "Paper prepared within the frameworkof a study performed by ECN and KWA (Novem-DEN contract numbe (), , Ed., p.-.
O'Regan, B.C.; Lenzmann, F.O.; Muis, R.P.; Wienke, J.A.;
A solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell fabricated with pressure-treated P25-TiO2 and CuSCN: analysis of pore filling and IV characteristics
ECN-RX--03-005 EN 2003; 7 pag.
Published in: Chemistry of Materials (American Chemical Society), 2002, Ed.14, p.5023-5029.
Kroon, J.M.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Mihailetchi, V.D.; Duren, J.K.J. van; Blom, P.W.M.; Hummelen, J.C.; Janssen, R.A.J.; Rispens, T.; Wienk, M.M.;
Electron Transport in a Methanofullerene
ECN-RX--03-007 EN 2003; 4 pag.
Published in: Advanced Functional Materials (Wiley-VCH), 2003, Ed.13, p.43-46.
Kroon, J.M.; Verhees, W.J.H.; Slooff, L.H.; Hal, P.A. van; Wienk, M.M.; Gennip, W.J.H. van; Jonkheijm, P.; Janssen, R.A.J.;
Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Photovoltaic Response of a MDMO-PPV:TiO2 Bulk-Heterojunction
ECN-RX--03-008 EN 2003; 4 pag.
Published in: Advanced Materials (Wiley-VCH), 2003, Ed.15, p.118-121.