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Publications from year 1995.
Kaan, H.F.; Römer, J.C.;
Sectorstudie groothandel [NDS 95-007]
ECN---95-007 NL december 1995; 33 pag.
Struker, A.; Blok, K.;
Sectorstudie organische chemie [NDS 95-001]
ECN---95-001 NL december 1995; 99 pag.
Wijst, D. van der; Fris, P.;
Sectorstudie detailhandel [NDS 95-006]
ECN---95-006 NL oktober 1995; 55 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.; Geusebroek, M.; Sonneveldt, H.L.A.; Rooij, N.M. de;
Staalslakuitloging bij toepassing als oeverbescherming. Laboratorium-, veld- en modelleringsgegevens
ECN-C--95-118 NL oktober 1995; 124 pag.
Beumer, M.I.L.; Over, J.A.; Vrenken, P.G.M.J.;
Sectorstudie transport-, opslag- en communicatiebedrijven [NDS 95-004]
ECN---95-012 NL oktober 1995; 57 pag.
Boot, H.;
Sectorstudie landbouw en visserij [NDS 95-005]
ECN---95-013 NL oktober 1995; 65 pag.
Dechesne, H.J.;
Sectorstudie onderwijs [NDS 95-008]
ECN---95-008 NL september 1995; 51 pag.
Römer, J.C.;
Sectorstudie bejaardenoorden [NDS 95-009]
ECN---95-009 NL september 1995; 36 pag.
Paauw, K.F.B. de; Bais, J.M.;
Sectorstudie huishoudens en woningen [NDS 95-010]
ECN---95-010 NL augustus 1995; 31 pag.
Harmsen, R.;
Sectorstudie grafische bedrijven [NDS 95-003]
ECN---95-011 NL augustus 1995; 75 pag.
Bruggink, J.J.C.;
Energy demand, life style changes and technology development
ECN-RX--95-042 EN augustus 1995; 89 pag.
Presented at: The World Energy Council 16th congress 'Energy for our common world', Tokyo, Japan, 8-13 oktober 1995.
Hoornstra, J.; Vonka, V.; Kalshoven, J.; Meijer, T.;
Correctie voor straling en geleiding bij open-thermokoppels
ECN-I--95-009 NL april 1995; 43 pag.
Uitdenbogerd, D.E.;
Energiebeslag van de huishoudelijke voedselverzorging: een empirische analyse van activiteiten en voedselpatronen
ECN-I--95-010 NL 1995; 78 pag.
Baard, J.H.; Gruppelaar, H.; Abrahams, K.;
ECNAF transmutation cross sections: pt. 3. graphicalrepresentation of cross sections of important reactions for activation of cladding and inert-matrix materials
ECN-I--95-011 EN 1995; 54 pag.
Appelman, K.H.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in the HFR: steel irradiation R268-604/605/606
ECN-I--95-012 EN 1995; 40 pag.
Mullekom, A.A.T. van;
Veiligheid van de Modular Helium Reactor: is de MHRlevensvatbaar?
ECN-I--95-016 NL 1995; 133 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.; Oppe, J.;
EJ2-MCNPlib. Contents of the JEF-2.2 based neutron cross-section library for MCNP4A
ECN-I--95-017 EN 1995; 303 pag.
Schie, N. van;
Solid oxide fuel cell in combination with a gas turbine [ECN-I--95-020]
ECN-I--95-020 EN 1995; 102 pag.
Grol, H.J. van;
Strength and fatigue testing of large size wind turbine rotors: intermediate results on test specimen, test rig and directions for natural vibration and static strength tests
ECN-I--95-025 EN 1995; 32 pag.
Beeldman, M.; Bais, J.M.;
Marktsimulatiemodel voor energiebesparing bij huishoudens
ECN-I--95-026 NL 1995; 33 pag.
Freudenreich, W.E.;
Dose rate of sample E419 in experiment SIRIO 277-02: comparisonof measurements and calculations
ECN-I--95-027 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Vuthaluru, H.B.; Eenkhoorn, S.; Heere, P.G.T.; Kiel, J.H.A.;
Devolatilisation of pulverised coal: experiments in ECN's AEFGC-simulator
ECN-I--95-028 EN 1995; 43 pag.
Vriesema, B.;
The Archimedes wave swing: a new way of utilising wave energy
ECN-I--95-030 EN 1995; 17 pag.
Kroon, L.M.;
De organisatie van ECN door de ogen van een stagiaire [ECN-I--95-031]
ECN-I--95-031 NL 1995; 27 pag.
Voorbraak, W.P.; Marek, M.;
Characterisation of the BNCT facility at NRI-Rez
ECN-I--95-032 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Pellekaan, W.O.; Brubakk, L.; Stoffer, A.;
Sectoral European energy model SEEM: a model description
ECN-I--95-033 EN 1995; 74 pag.
Heek, A.I. van;
De vereenvoudigde kogelbedreactor: het peu-a-peu concept [ECN-I--95-035]
ECN-I--95-035 NL 1995; 36 pag.
Dassel, G.; Buurveld, H.A.; Plakman, J.C.;
Gamma spectrometry on SIRIO R277 gamma scan wires
ECN-I--95-036 EN 1995; 172 pag.
Kloosterman, J.L.;
Program VAREX: a tool for variational analysis of reactivityeffects with XSDRNPM
ECN-I--95-037 EN 1995; 22 pag.
Dassel, G.; Buurveld, H.A.;
Profilometry and eddy current testing of VENDEOS 263-05 [ECN-I--95-038]
ECN-I--95-038 EN 1995; 62 pag.
Dodd, D.H.; Hienen, J.F.A. van;
The radiological risks associated with the thorium fuelled HTGRfuel cycle: a comparative risk evaluation
ECN-I--95-039 EN 1995; 41 pag.
Baard, J.H.;
Neutron metrology in the HFR: experiment R212-25/26/27/28(EXOTIC 7)
ECN-I--95-045 EN 1995; 70 pag.
Peeters, T.T.J.M.; Freudenreich, W.E.;
Calculation of fluence rate distributions in a pre designclinical facility for BNCT at the LFR
ECN-I--95-046 EN 1995; 25 pag.
Wees, F.G.H. van; Römer, J.C.;
Brandstofverbruikende installaties bij de industrie: basisjaar 1990
ECN-I--95-052 NL 1995; 21 pag.
Hoving, A.H.; Voorbraak, W.P.;
Neutron metrology in experiment R280-01 (RAS)
ECN-I--95-055 NL 1995; 35 pag.
Wekken, A.J.P. van der; Vink, P.W.; Schuurman, J.J.;
Ervaring met Manner telemetrie systeem bij windturbines [ECN-I--95-057]
ECN-I--95-057 NL 1995; 29 pag.
Tjeng, S.L.; Drift, A. van der; Beckers, G.J.J.; Rabou, L.P.L.M.;
High efficiency radiant burners greatly enhance heat transfer
ECN-I--95-058 EN 1995; 17 pag.
Ligthart, F.; Zijdeveld, C.;
De energieprestatienorm: geen vooruitstrevende prestatie
ECN-P--95-001 NL 1995; 6 pag.
Ammerlaan, T.M.H.; Hendriks, H.B.;
MATEC-I program verification: Mechanical Analysis Tool forElastic Cross-section version 1
ECN-R--93-010 EN 1995; 53 pag.
Kruijf, W.J.M. de;
Calculational study on irradiation of americium fuel samples inthe Petten High Flux Reactor
ECN-R--94-027 EN 1995; 29 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Kosson, D.S.;
Leaching tests as a tool in waste management to evaluate thepotential for utilization of waste materials
ECN-R--94-029 EN 1995; 35 pag.
Bultman, J.H.; Kruijf, W.J.M. de;
Evaluation of thorium based nuclear fuel: reactor physics
ECN-R--94-031 EN 1995; 24 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Koning, H.;
Loss-of-coolant and loss-of-flow accident in the ITER-EDA firstwall/blanket cooling system
ECN-R--94-032 EN 1995; 81 pag.
Kruijf, W.J.M. de;
Reactor physics analysis of the pin-cell Doppler effect in athermal nuclear reactor
ECN-R--94-033 EN 1995; 130 pag.
Ciftcioglu, O.; Türkcan, E.;
Adaptive training of feedforward neural networks by Kalmanfiltering
ECN-R--95-001 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Kloosterman, J.L.; Li, J.M.;
Transmutation of Tc-99 and I-129 in fission reactors: a calculational study
ECN-R--95-002 EN 1995; 53 pag.
Oms, M.T.; Veltkamp, A.C.; Jongejan, P.A.C.; Wyers, G.P.; Slanina, J.;
Continuous monitoring of atmospheric HCl, HNO2, HNO3 and SO2 bywet-annular denuder air sampling with on-line chromatographic analysis
ECN-R--95-003 EN 1995; 26 pag.
Bultman, J.H.;
Actinide transmutation in nuclear reactors
ECN-R--95-004 EN 1995; 140 pag.
Wichers, V.A.;
Evaluation of the thorium based nuclear fuel: actinide waste
ECN-R--95-005 EN 1995; 46 pag.
Franken, W.M.P.; Bultman, J.H.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Evaluation of thorium based nuclear fuel: extended summary
ECN-R--95-006 EN 1995; 28 pag.
Konings, R.J.M.; Blankenvoorde, P.J.A.M.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Bakker, K.;
Evaluation of thorium based nuclear fuel: chemical aspects
ECN-R--95-007 EN 1995; 43 pag.
Kloosterman, J.L.;
New European cross-section data libraries for ORIGEN-S based onJEF2.2 and EAF3
ECN-R--95-008 EN 1995; 67 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Khlystov, A.; Kos, G.P.A.; Kruisz, C.; Berner, A.;
The role of aerosol/clouds in the radiation balance of theatmosphere: NOP project nr 852066
ECN-R--95-009 EN 1995; 38 pag.
Lako, P.; Stoffer, A.; Beeldman, M.;
Economics and market potential of the modular high temperaturereactor in the Netherlands
ECN-R--95-012 EN 1995; 57 pag.
Komen, E.M.J.; Bogaard, J.P.A. van den;
Thermal-hydraulic code selection for modular high temperature gas-cooled reactors
ECN-R--95-013 EN 1995; 49 pag.
Lindenburg, C.;
Status of PHATAS-II release "NOV-1994": SUN and DOS version
ECN-R--95-014 EN 1995; 39 pag.
Siccama, N.B.;
PACTEL ISP-33: MELCOR assessment
ECN-R--95-016 EN 1995; 68 pag.
Siccama, N.B.; Roodbergen, H.A.;
PACTEL ISP-33: RELAP5 assessment
ECN-R--95-017 EN 1995; 39 pag.
Koning, A.J.; Gruppelaar, H.; Hogenbirk, A.;
Fluctuation factors in the EFF-3.0 file for 56Fe [ECN-R--95-018 ;EFF-DOC-381]
ECN-R--95-018 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.; Koning, A.J.; Gruppelaar, H.;
Validation of the EFF-3.0 evaluation for 56Fe [ECN-R--95-019 ;EFF-DOC-382]
ECN-R--95-019 EN 1995; 27 pag.
Hulle, F.J.L. van; Soullié, P.P.;
Regulations for the type certification of small wind turbines
ECN-R--95-020 EN 1995; 47 pag.
Schram, R.P.C.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Huntelaar, M.E.;
Source term calculations of the ALMR
ECN-R--95-021 EN 1995; 38 pag.
Heel, A.M.J.M. van;
In-vessel core debris retention through external flooding of thereactor pressure vessel: state-of-the-art report
ECN-R--95-022 EN 1995; 155 pag.
Heel, A.M.J.M. van;
In-vessel core debris retention through external flooding of thereactor pressure vessel: SCDAP/RELAP5 assessment for the SBWR lower head
ECN-R--95-023 EN 1995; 135 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Gruppelaar, H.; Franken, W.M.P.; Abrahams, K.; Blankenvoorde, P.J.A.M.; Bultman, J.H.; Dodd, D.H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Koning, A.J.; Konings, R.J.M.; Wichers, V.A.;
Transmutation of nuclear waste: status report RAS programme 1994:recycling and transmutation of actinides and fission products
ECN-R--95-025 EN 1995; 107 pag.
Klippel, H.T.;
Development status of modular HTGRs and their future role:proceedings of an IAEA Technical Committee meeting, held in Petten, The Netherlands, 28-30 November 1994
ECN-R--95-026 EN 1995; 377 pag.
Klippel, H.T.;
Proceedings of the ECN workshop on the role of modular HTRs in the Netherlands, held in Petten, The Netherlands, 30 November - 1 December 1994
ECN-R--95-027 EN 1995; 180 pag.
Kroon, L.M.;
Aerosol calculations in the scope of the PHEBUS FB project
ECN-R--95-028 EN 1995; 78 pag.
Bultman, J.H.;
Thorium fueled high temperature gas cooled reactors: anassessment
ECN-R--95-029 EN 1995; 27 pag.
Correia, L.A.; Salomoni, A.; Hey, A.W.;
Kinetic modelling of pressure filtation of ceramic powdersuspension
ECN-RX--94-112 EN 1995; 15 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Khlystov, A.; Veefkind, J.P.; Kruisz, C.; Berner, A.;
The reduction of solar radiation by anthropogenic aerosol in theNetherlands : [intended for the proceedings of the climate change research conference, Maastricht, 6-9 Dec. 1994]
ECN-RX--94-115 EN 1995; 18 pag.
Winkelaar, D.;
Some ideas on the modelling of atmospheric turbulence [ECN-RX--94-122]
ECN-RX--94-122 EN 1995; 11 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Maly, M.;
Deregulation in Eastern Europe and the scope for energyconservation in industry: expectations versus realities
ECN-RX--94-124 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Presented at: 17th IAEE International Energy Conference 'Energy markets in transition', Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 mei 1994.
Brieko, M.W.; Broek, K.M.; Laarhoven, J. van; Michiels, P.P.;
Soldeertechnieken voor het maken van elektrische verbindingentussen zonnecellen
ECN-RX--95-001 NL 1995; 18 pag.
Veefkind, J.P.; Hage, J.C.H. van der; Brink, H.M. ten;
Nephelometer-derived and measured optical depth: first Europeancolumn closure experiment
ECN-RX--95-002 EN 1995; 26 pag.
Cenerino, G.; Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Huntelaar, M.E.;
Fission product release during MCCI: CEC nuclear safety problem:MCCI project
ECN-RX--95-003 EN 1995; 22 pag.
Khlystov, A.; Kos, G.P.A.; Brink, H.M. ten;
A high-flow turbulent cloud chamber
ECN-RX--95-004 EN 1995; 20 pag.
Harry, R.J.S.;
IAEA safeguards and non-proliferation : [paperpres. at The Clingendael nuclear non-proliferation workshop, Sep 8-10, 1994, at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael']
ECN-RX--95-005 EN 1995; 49 pag.
Klippel, H.T.; Hogenbirk, A.; Stad, R.C.L. van der; Janssen, A.J.; Kuijper, J.C.; Levin, P.;
Reactor physics calculations on HTR type configurations [ECN-RX--95-007]: [paper pres. at the ECN Workshop on the role of modular high temperature reactors in the Netherlands, 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1994, Petten, The Netherlands]
ECN-RX--95-007 EN 1995; 14 pag.
Bultman, J.H.; Wichers, V.A.;
Actinide waste for the once-through thorium fueled Heavy WaterReactor : [publ. in the Proceedings of 1995 annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society, June 25-29, 1995, Philadelphia (USA)]
ECN-RX--95-008 EN 1995; 4 pag.
Schaefer, C.E.; Arands, R.R.; Sloot, H.A. van der; Kosson, D.S.;
Prediction and experimental validation of liquid phase diffusionresistance in unsaturated soils
ECN-RX--95-009 EN 1995; 37 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.; Schlangen, J.;
Het PV-systeem van de energie-indifferente woning in Zandvoort: [paper gepres. tijdens de 5e Nederlandse Zonne- energie conferentie, 20-21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-011 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.; Sinke, W.C.;
Praktijkgegevens van twee 1 kWp netgekoppelde PV-centrales bijECN : [paper gepres. tijdens de 5e Nederlandse zonne-energie conferentie, 20-21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-012 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Steeman, R.A.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Sinke, W.C.; Verhoef, L.A.; Michiels, P.P.; Zolingen, R.J.C. van;
Doorbraak: multikristallijn silicium zonnepanelen met 16%celrendement : [paper gepres. tijdens de 5e Nederlandse Zonne-energie conferentie, 20-21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-013 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van; Sinke, W.C.;
Dunne-film zonneceltechnologieen : [paper gepres.tijdens de 5e Nederlandse Zonne-energie conferentie, 20-21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-014 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Schuurmans, F.M.; Sinke, W.C.; Steeman, R.A.; Moor, H.H.C. de; Leguijt, C.; Lölgen, P.; Weeber, A.W.; Eikelboom, J.A.; Burgers, A.R.; Roosmalen, J.A.M. van;
Status-overzicht van het onderzoek aan multikristallijn siliciumzonnecellen bij ECN-Duurzame Energie : [paper gepres. tijdens de 5e Nederlandse Zonne-energie conferentie, 20- 21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-015 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Eikelboom, J.A.; Feijen, P.H.G.; Weeber, A.W.; Steeman, R.A.;
Absolute rendementsbepaling van zonnecellen bij ECN: [paper gepres. tijdens de 5e Nederlandse Zonne-energieConferentie, 20-21 april 1995]
ECN-RX--95-016 NL 1995; 4 pag.
Boer, R. de; Cordfunke, E.H.P.;
On the cesium-rich part of the Cs-Te phase diagram
ECN-RX--95-018 EN 1995; 10 pag.
Vuthaluru, H.B.; Vleeskens, J.M.; Wall, T.F.;
Reducing fly ash deposition from a brown coal by solid additives :8th international conference on coal science, 10-15 September 1995, Oviedo, Spain
ECN-RX--95-020 EN 1995; 15 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Eenkhoorn, S.; Hamburg, G.;
Silica fines from included quartz in pulverized-coal combustion
ECN-RX--95-021 EN 1995; 18 pag.
Rak, Z.S.;
Ceramic honeycombs coated with zeolite ZSM-5 for NOx abatement
ECN-RX--95-022 EN 1995; 17 pag.
Kiel, J.H.A.; Bos, A.; Uil, H. den; Plaum, J.M.;
Coal/biomass cogasification and high temperature gas cleaning
ECN-RX--95-029 EN 1995; 33 pag.
Ligthart, F.; Zijdeveld, C.;
De energieprestatienorm: geen vooruitstrevende prestatie
ECN-RX--95-030 NL 1995; 6 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versusfragmentation
ECN-RX--95-031 EN 1995; 25 pag.
Presented at: ETSAP Seminar Application of E3-models, Göteborg, Sweden, 8-9 mei 1993.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Peereboom, D.; McGregor, R.; Stegemann, J.; Taat, J.;
Properties of self-forming and self-repairing seals
ECN-RX--95-032 EN 1995; 24 pag.
Driessen, J.H.A.; Moura, M.L.; Korzilius, E.P.E.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
The sustainable landfill
ECN-RX--95-033 EN 1995; 15 pag.

ECN contributions to GLOBAL'95
ECN-RX--95-035 EN 1995; 88 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Eenkhoorn, S.; Weeda, M.;
The behaviour of carbonates in a simulated coal-flame
ECN-RX--95-036 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Eenkhoorn, S.; Hamburg, G.;
Flame-transformations of coal-pyrite
ECN-RX--95-037 EN 1995; 32 pag.
Rak, Z.S.; Veringa, H.J.;
Ceramic honeycombs coated with zeolite Co-ZSM-5 for NOx abatement
ECN-RX--95-039 EN 1995; 17 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.; Duncan, J.D.;
Application of the SBWR PRA to respond to risk-based regulationissues for advanced reactors
ECN-RX--95-040 EN 1995; 8 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Eenkhoorn, S.; Hamburg, G.;
A mechanistic study of the slag formation from iron-rich coals
ECN-RX--95-041 EN 1995; 27 pag.
Groot, G.J. de; Hoede, D.;
Validatie van uitloogproeven conform NEN-ISO 5725
ECN-C--94-001 NL 1995; 162 pag.
Vleuten, F.P. van der;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 4: energy andenvironment in the global cement industry
ECN-C--94-035 EN 1995; 146 pag.
Buskens, V.W.; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 3: energy efficiencyin selected industries of the manufacturing sector
ECN-C--94-040 EN 1995; 75 pag.
Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 2: sector studies:iron and steel, aluminium, pulp and paper
ECN-C--94-042 EN 1995; 50 pag.
Hamburg, G.; Hornsveld, E.M.; Vleeskens, J.M.;
Round robin study CCSEM analysis for slagging experiments [ECN-C--94-049]
ECN-C--94-049 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Heijdra, J.J.; Broerse, J.; Prij, J.;
Thermo-mechanical analyses and model validation in the HAW testfield: final report
ECN-C--94-064 EN 1995; 93 pag.
Doorn, J. van; Ree, R. van;
De inzet van oud papier binnen de energievoorziening viavergassing
ECN-C--94-065 NL 1995; 43 pag.
Wildenbeest, E.J.; Haan, S.W.H. de; Veltman, A.T.; Otterdijk, K.H.T.J. van;
Inventory of inverters for grid connected PV systems up to 10 kW
ECN-C--94-074 EN 1995; 304 pag.
Oppe, J.; Kloosterman, J.L.;
PC code STAR: Show Transmutation of Actinides in Reactors [ECN-C--94-093]
ECN-C--94-093 EN 1995; 41 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.;
Laboratorium onderzoek naar de invloed van reducerendeeigenschappen op het emissie-gedrag van industrieslakken in oeverbeschermingen
ECN-C--94-094 NL 1995; 166 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.; Sinke, W.C.;
Evaluatie meetresultaten 1 kWp a-Si PV-centrale te Petten
ECN-C--94-095 NL 1995; 63 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.;
Verificatie van chemische test-methoden voor de beoordeling vanimmobilisaten
ECN-C--94-097 NL 1995; 59 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Kruijk, H. de; Stoffer, A.; Maly, M.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of the Czech Republic [ECN-C--94-101]
ECN-C--94-101 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.; Kruijk, H. de; Salamonova, A.;
Strategies for reducing emissions and depositions in Central andEastern European countries: the case of Slovakia
ECN-C--94-102 EN 1995; 59 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der;
Chemical durability of stabilized materials
ECN-C--94-104 EN 1995; 35 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.;
Methode voor de beoordeling van het uitloog rendement vanimmobilisatie
ECN-C--94-105 NL 1995; 165 pag.
Bos, A.;
Ontwikkeling van katalysatorsystemen voor hoge-temperatuurverbranding
ECN-C--94-106 NL 1995; 90 pag.
Snel, H.; Schepers, J.G.;
Joint investigation of dynamic inflow effects and implementation of an engineering method
ECN-C--94-107 EN 1995; 326 pag.
Hendriks, H.B.; Oudshoorn, H.L.;
PROGSEQ-I user's manual: driver for wind turbine design toolsversion 1
ECN-C--94-108 EN 1995; 51 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Vink, P.W.;
Acoustic noise measurements on wind turbines: carried out in theframework of JOULE programme (contract nr. JOU2-CT92-0124) [ECN-C- -94-109]
ECN-C--94-109 EN 1995; 50 pag.
Dekker, J.W.M.; Brand, A.J.;
Stall FLEXTEETER: measurements
ECN-C--94-110 EN 1995; 97 pag.
Gielen, D.J.; Doorn, J. van;
Biomassa voor de Nederlandse energiehuishouding: beoordeling vanconversieroutes met MARKAL
ECN-C--94-111 NL 1995; 81 pag.
Buskens, V.W.; Jansen, J.C.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 1: industrial energydemand and CO2 emissions in developing countries in globalperspective
ECN-C--94-112 EN 1995; 51 pag.
Kant, A.D.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: project working paper 5: effectiveness ofindustrial energy conservation programmes in IEA countries [ECN-C--94-113]
ECN-C--94-113 EN 1995; 69 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Thije Boonkkamp, J.H.M. ten;
Realisation and field test of a solar powered deep well pistonpump
ECN-C--95-001 EN 1995; 42 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Lako, P.; Gielen, D.J.; Oosterheert, R.J.; Kram, T.;
Prospects for energy technology in the Netherlands: vol. 1:evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of energy technologies undera range of long term future conditions
ECN-C--95-002 EN 1995; 112 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.;
Analyse meetresultaten PV-installatie in de wijk 1994
ECN-C--95-003 NL 1995; 47 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.;
Analyse meetresultaten PV-installatie te Zandvoort 2e semester 1994
ECN-C--95-004 NL 1995; 38 pag.
Veltkamp, A.C.; Noort, M. van;
Emissie van vluchtige organische verbindingen uit immobilisaten
ECN-C--95-005 NL 1995; 51 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.;
De LECTOR-extrapolatie toolkit
ECN-C--95-006 NL 1995; 22 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.;
Monte Carlo-simulaties met behulp van Presim
ECN-C--95-007 NL 1995; 13 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.; Boonstra, B.H.;
Het LECTOR-ramingsmodel
ECN-C--95-008 NL 1995; 37 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.;
Sturing van het LECTOR-ramingsmodel
ECN-C--95-009 NL 1995; 18 pag.
Brand, A.J.; Lindenburg, C.; Dekker, J.W.M.; Visser, B.; Kuik, G.A.M. van;
Stall Flexteeter: computations
ECN-C--95-010 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Hoede, D.; Sloot, H.A. van der;
Bepaling van de effectieve diffusie-coefficient van mobielecomponenten in beton
ECN-C--95-011 NL 1995; 38 pag.
Mallant, R.K.A.M.;
Brass board integration of a reformer/fuel cell/battery/electricmotor system for electric traction: eindrapport fase I: 1993, januari 1993 tot januari 1994
ECN-C--95-012 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Heijdra, J.J.; Prij, J.;
Geomechanical measurements in a deep dry-drilled borehole in AsseII rock salt: final report for contract F12W-CT90-0050 [ECN-C-- 95-013]
ECN-C--95-013 EN 1995; 33 pag.
Arends, B.G.; Mas, F.; Geusebroek, M.; Wyers, G.P.; Veltkamp, A.C.;
Biogenic and reduced atmospheric sulphur compounds in theNetherlands
ECN-C--95-014 EN 1995; 35 pag.
Soullié, P.P.; Hulle, F.J.L. van;
Opstellen van een certificatie-systeem voor kleine windturbines
ECN-C--95-015 NL 1995; 17 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Linden, N.H. van der; Maly, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Czech Republic :phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-016 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Kaan, H.F.; Svobodova, M.; Linden, N.H. van der; Kosdy, M.;
Energy conservation stimulation programme for the Slovak Republic: phase 2: energy conservation in buildings
ECN-C--95-022 EN 1995; 65 pag.
Paauw, K.F.B. de;
Energieaspecten van vrije-tijdsbesteding, verzorging,communicatie en roken: een mogelijke energiereductie bijhuishoudens
ECN-C--95-026 NL 1995; 127 pag.
Kevenaar, J.W.A.M.; Haverkate, B.R.W.;
Verification of ISAAC
ECN-C--95-028 EN 1995; 102 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
External costs of the nuclear fuel cycle: a scoping study todetermine the external costs of the Dutch nuclear fuel cycle in accordance with the EC/US methodology
ECN-C--95-029 EN 1995; 66 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Grassl, H.; Schult, I.; Maracchi, G.; Bindi, M.; Scott, J.A.; Dlugi, R.; Russak, V.;
Reduction of solar radiation by manmade aerosol in Europe: ajoint European project EV5V-CT92-0171
ECN-C--95-030 EN 1995; 54 pag.
Haan, S.W.H. de; Veltman, A.T.; Janousek, J.; Cerovsky, Z.; Mericka, J.; Pavelka, J.; Perina, J.; Petrasek, F.;
A high efficiency electrical conversion system with variablereluctance generator for variable speed wind turbines: Joule supplementary agreement ERBCIPDCP30329: design and comparison of different types of direct driven wind generators
ECN-C--95-033 EN 1995; 252 pag.
Veltkamp, A.C.; Eisma, R.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Kieskamp, W.M.; Bulk, W.C.M. van den; Beemsterboer, B.; Zwaagstra, O.; Möls, J.J.; Hensen, A.; Wyers, G.P.;
Validation of methane source strengths
ECN-C--95-034 EN 1995; 82 pag.
Hensen, A.; Kieskamp, W.M.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Bulk, W.C.M. van den; Bakker, D.F.; Beemsterboer, B.; Möls, J.J.; Veltkamp, A.C.; Wyers, G.P.;
Determination of the relative importance of sources and sinks ofcarbon dioxide (NRP-proj. no. 852076)
ECN-C--95-035 EN 1995; 68 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Andersen, B.; Jakobsen, J.; Mackinnon, A.; Klug, H.; Theofiloyannakos, D.;
Noise from wind turbines: final report of project JOU2-CT92-0124
ECN-C--95-036 EN 1995; 300 pag.
Pierik, J.T.G.; Curvers, A.P.W.M.;
Logistics and pretreatment of biomass fuels for gasification andcombustion: contribution to the Joule project: "Energy from biomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energy production"
ECN-C--95-038 EN 1995; 64 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Lako, P.; Gielen, D.J.; Oosterheert, R.J.; Kram, T.;
Prospects for energy technology in the Netherlands: vol. 2: technology characterizations and technology results [ECN-C--95-039]
ECN-C--95-039 EN 1995; 308 pag.
Ree, R. van; Oudhuis, A.B.J.; Faaij, A.P.C.; Curvers, A.P.W.M.;
Modelling of a Biomass-Integrated-Gasifier/Combined-Cycle (BIG/CC)system with the flowsheet simulation programme ASPENplus: studyperformed within the framework of the extended JOULE-IIprogramme of EC DGXII contract JOU2-CT93-0397 "Energy frombiomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energyproduction"
ECN-C--95-041 EN 1995; 153 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Curvers, A.P.W.M.; Wekken, A.J.P. van der; Rademakers, L.W.M.M.; Hulle, F.J.L. van;
Ontwikkeling IEC-normen voor windturbines: verslag van dewerkzaamheden in 1994
ECN-C--95-042 NL 1995; 72 pag.
Klippel, H.T.;
Progress report 1994 on fusion technology tasks
ECN-C--95-043 EN 1995; 134 pag.
Looijesteijn, C.J.; Jongh, J.A. de;
Evaluation of the international course on the implementation ofwind energy: ECN, April 24 - May 5, 1995
ECN-C--95-044 EN 1995; 34 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.;
Final report of shielding calculations performed at ECN Pettenfor ITER CTA tesk D4/EU
ECN-C--95-045 EN 1995; 35 pag.
Doorn, J. van;
Characterisation of energy crops, biomass residues and wastestreams: contribution to the Joule project: "Energy from biomass: an assessment of two promising systems for energy production"
ECN-C--95-047 EN 1995; 50 pag.
Iwanski, Z.; Oudhuis, A.B.J.; Jansen, D.; Golec, T.W.;
Development of flexible tools for technical and economicassessment studies of clean coal technologies: fourth progress and final report: contract PSO, projectno. 92.113/056588 [ECN-C-- 95-054]
ECN-C--95-054 EN 1995; 60 pag.
Li, J.M.; Kloosterman, J.L.;
Transmutation of actinides in four reactor types
ECN-C--95-055 EN 1995; 36 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Snel, H.; Bussel, G.J.W. van; ... [et al.], ;
Dynamic inflow: yawed conditions and partial span pitch control
ECN-C--95-056 EN 1995; 237 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Hoede, D.;
Emissieberekeningen op basis van analyse van boorkernen,percolaatmetingen en uitloogproeven aan verse en in de praktijk uitgeloogde bouwstoffen: deelrapport
ECN-C--95-057 NL 1995; 126 pag.
Brand, A.J.;
Aerodynamic field data of a non-rotating rotor blade: acomparison to "2D Steady" data and an analysis of inflow conditions
ECN-C--95-063 EN 1995; 58 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.; Oudshoorn, H.L.;
Bestandsformaat PC-server interface
ECN-C--95-064 NL 1995; 50 pag.
Dekker, N.H.; Oudshoorn, H.L.;
Het LECTOR-systeem: de server-software op de DEC-Alpha
ECN-C--95-065 NL 1995; 14 pag.
Boonstra, B.H.; Leendertse, G.P.; Ouden, A.C.B. den;
Technisch ontwerp LECTOR-rekenmodulen
ECN-C--95-067 NL 1995; 33 pag.
Leendertse, G.P.; Oudshoorn, H.L.;
Structuur van het LECTOR-serverdeel
ECN-C--95-068 NL 1995; 32 pag.
Kant, A.D.; Midden, C.J.H.;
Energy and the public: phase 2: public communication in energyissues: psychological evaluation models
ECN-C--95-069 EN 1995; 45 pag.
Laan, J.G. van der; Osch, E.V. van;
Response of plasma facing materials to disruption-like heat loads: 1994 report on ITER T60 Subtask 3 (NET Task PPM3.1) [ECN-C--95- 070]
ECN-C--95-070 EN 1995; 51 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der; Wijkstra, J.; Geusebroek, M.;
Isolatie van een baggerspeciedepot met een zelf-vormendeafdichting op het grensvlak van alkalische reactantlaag met baggerspecie
ECN-C--95-071 NL 1995; 25 pag.
Kopecky, J.; Nierop, D.;
The European Activation File EAF-4: summary documentation [ECN-C--95-072]
ECN-C--95-072 EN 1995; 321 pag.
Ybema, J.R.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Smit, J.T.J.;
Including climate change in energy investment decisions
ECN-C--95-073 EN 1995; 87 pag.
Hendriks, H.B.; Bulder, B.H.;
Fatigue equivalent load cycle method: a general method tocompare the fatigue loading of different load spectrums [ECN-C--95-074]
ECN-C--95-074 EN 1995; 18 pag.
Oostvoorn, F. van; Pellekaan, W.O.; Aaserud, M.; Brubakk, L.; Harmelen, T. van; Stoffer, A.;
Energy scenarios for a changing Europe: integration versus fragmentation
ECN-C--95-075 EN 1995; 79 pag.
Curvers, A.P.W.M.; Doorn, J. van; Pierik, J.T.G.; Ree, R. van; ... [et al.], ;
Energy from biomass: an assessment of two promising systems forenergy production: executive summary
ECN-C--95-076 EN 1995; 35 pag.
Franken, W.M.P.; Konings, R.J.M.; Kloosterman, J.L.;
Technologisch onderzoek RAS: bestralingen in de HFR [ECN-C--95-077]
ECN-C--95-077 NL 1995; 34 pag.
Peters, E.; Wichers, V.A.;
Development and design of a UF6 gas pressure meter for 42 mmpipes
ECN-C--95-078 EN 1995; 67 pag.
Verschuur, K.A.;
FURNACE 2: toroidal geometry neutronic program system method:description and users manual
ECN-C--95-081 EN 1995; 73 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Kos, G.P.A.; Arends, B.G.; Veefkind, J.P.;
ECN contribution to reduction of solar radiation by manmadeaerosol in Europe: EC-project EV5V-CT92-0171
ECN-C--95-082 EN 1995; 40 pag.
Hendriks, H.B.;
Numerical optimisation of a wind turbine: points of departure:WindMaster 750kW wind turbine concept
ECN-C--95-083 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Hogenbirk, A.; Stad, R.C.L. van der; Janssen, A.J.; Klippel, H.T.; Kuijper, J.C.;
HTR-PROTEUS benchmark calculations: pt. 1: unit cell resultsLEUPRO-1 and LEUPRO-2
ECN-C--95-087 EN 1995; 49 pag.
Andriesse, C.D.;
Prospects of photochemical conversion
ECN-C--95-090 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Schol, E.;
Differentiated sales and vehicle taxes: an assessment of instruments for the internalisation of external costs oftransport
ECN-C--95-091 EN 1995; 44 pag.
Fokkens, J.H.;
Pre-test analyses for the NESC1 spinning cylinder experiment [ECN-C--95-093]
ECN-C--95-093 EN 1995; 51 pag.
Cordfunke, E.H.P.; Dodd, D.H.; Gruppelaar, H.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Konings, R.J.M.;
Onderzoek transmutatie van actiniden in inerte matrices: verslag1994/1995
ECN-C--95-095 NL 1995; 30 pag.
Doorn, J. van; Bruyn, P.; Vermeij, P.; Kos, B.; Hanse, J.;
Combined combustion of biomass, municipal sewage sludge and coalin an atmospheric fluidised bed installation
ECN-C--95-096 EN 1995; 34 pag.
Dodd, D.H.;
Assessing the radiological risks associated with technologiesstudied in the Dutch research programme for recycling actinides and fission products: a design study
ECN-C--95-097 EN 1995; 43 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten;
Onderzoek naar de rol van aerosolen van antropogene herkomst opde stralingshuishouding van de atmosfeer: stofdeeltjes compenseren het broeikaseffect
ECN-C--95-098 NL 1995; 22 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten;
Onderzoek naar de rol van aerosolen van antropogene herkomst opde stralingshuishouding van de atmosfeer: technische bijlage [ECN-C--95-098A]
ECN-C--95-098A NL 1995; 218 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 1: Atrium Hotel, Malacky
ECN-C--95-100 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 2: hospital, Malacky
ECN-C--95-101 EN 1995; 24 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 3: complex of panel houses and heat exchange station, Malacky
ECN-C--95-102 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 4: Nafta Gbely office building, Malacky
ECN-C--95-103 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 5: hospital, Skalica
ECN-C--95-104 EN 1995; 21 pag.
Kaan, H.F.;
Regional energy study Zahorie, Slovakia: building energy audits :pt. 6: old peoples home, Stupava
ECN-C--95-105 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Jansen, J.C.; De Araujo, L.; Barathan, S.; Diallo, S.; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Kant, A.D.;
Strategies and instruments to promote energy efficiency indeveloping countries: synthesis report
ECN-C--95-106 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Roosmalen, J.A.M. van;
Thin-film solar cells
ECN-C--95-107 EN 1995; 87 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Snel, H.;
Aerodynamisch herontwerp NedWind 40 rotor
ECN-C--95-108 NL 1995; 24 pag.
Wyers, G.P.; Wayers, A.; Möls, J.J.; Thijsse, T.R.; Duyzer, J.H.; Verhagen, H.L.M.; Erisman, J.W.;
Karakterisering van de regionale concentratievelden van ammoniak :monstername en meetstrategie
ECN-C--95-109 NL 1995; 40 pag.
Heil, J.A.;
Inherent veilige kenmerken van innovatieve kernreactoren [ECN-C--95-110]
ECN-C--95-110 NL 1995; 132 pag.
Vink, P.W.; Borg, N.J.C.M. van der;
Acoustic noise measurements on wind turbines performed in theframe of JOU2-CT92--0233
ECN-C--95-112 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Baltus, C.W.A.;
Analyse meetresultaten PV-woningen te Heerhugowaard: periode1994
ECN-C--95-116 NL 1995; 70 pag.
Bach, P.W.;
Fatigue of stud joints for GFRP wind turbine blades [ECN-C--95-117]
ECN-C--95-117 EN 1995; 26 pag.
Bultman, J.H.; Gagnon, N.; Dastur, A.R.;
Statics and dynamics of CANDU transuranics burners
ECN-RX--95-043 EN 1995; 11 pag.
Brink, H.M. ten; Veefkind, J.P.; Waijers-IJpelaan, A.; Hage, J.C.H. van der;
Aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands
ECN-RX--95-044 EN 1995; 32 pag.
Khlystov, A.; Kos, G.P.A.; Brink, H.M. ten; Kruisz, C.; Berner, A.;
Activation properties of ambient aerosol in The Netherlands
ECN-RX--95-045 EN 1995; 38 pag.
Bracht, M.; Bos, A.; Pex, P.P.A.C.; Veen, H.M. van; Alderliesten, P.T.;
Water gas shift membrane reactor
ECN-RX--95-047 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Grupa, J.B.;
A comparison of consequence analysis codes
ECN-RX--95-048 EN 1995; 8 pag.
Leguijt, C.; Lölgen, P.; Eikelboom, J.A.; Weeber, A.W.; Schuurmans, F.M.; Sinke, W.C.; Alkemade, P.F.A.; Sarro, P.M.; Maree, C.H.M.; Verhoef, L.A.;
Low temperature surface passivation for silicon solar cells
ECN-RX--95-050 EN 1995; 11 pag.
Sinke, W.C.;
Fotovoltaische zonne-energie
ECN-RX--95-051 NL 1995; 24 pag.
Leguijt, C.; Lölgen, P.; Burgers, A.R.; Eikelboom, J.A.; Steeman, R.A.; Sinke, W.C.; Alkemade, P.F.A.; Sarro, P.M.;
Correlation of effective recombination velocity of a back-surfacefield with boron concentration profile
ECN-RX--95-052 EN 1995; 4 pag.
Sinke, W.C.;
PV: duurzame energie uit licht
ECN-RX--95-053 NL 1995; 6 pag.
Eikelboom, J.A.; Leguijt, C.; Frumau, C.F.A.; Burgers, A.R.;
Microwave detection of minority carriers in solar cells siliconwavers
ECN-RX--95-054 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Coehoorn, M.; Sinke, W.C.;
Solar energy enters the market
ECN-RX--95-055 EN 1995; 4 pag.
Sloot, H.A. van der;
Developments in evaluating environmental impact from utilizationof bulk inert wastes using laboratory leaching tests and field verification : international symposium on bulk "inert" wastes: an opportunity for use, September 1995, Leeds
ECN-RX--95-056 EN 1995; 34 pag.
Jongejan, P.A.C.; Bai, Y.; Veltkamp, A.C.; Wyers, G.P.; Slanina, J.;
An automated field instrument for the determination of acidicgases in air
ECN-RX--95-058 EN 1995; 24 pag.
Schönecker, A.; Eikelboom, J.A.; Sinke, W.C.;
Local carrier lifetime of non-passivated multi-crystallinesilicon wafers measured by the MFCA method
ECN-RX--95-060 EN 1995; 6 pag.
Burgers, A.R.; Kinderman, R.; Hylton, J.D.; Sinke, W.C.;
Comparison of alkaline etches on multi-crystalline wafers
ECN-RX--95-061 EN 1995; 6 pag.
Schepers, J.G.; Snel, H.;
Final results of the EU JOULE projects "dynamic inflow"
ECN-RX--95-062 EN 1995; 11 pag.
Wyers, G.P.; Duyzer, J.H.;
Micrometeorological measurement of the dry deposition flux ofsulphate and nitrate aerosols to coniferous forest
ECN-RX--95-065 EN 1995; 17 pag.
Wyers, G.P.; Veltkamp, A.C.;
Dry deposition of 214Pb to conifers
ECN-RX--95-066 EN 1995; 11 pag.
Abrahams, K.; Kloosterman, J.L.; Gruppelaar, H.; Brusselaers, P.; Evrard, G.; La Fuente, A.; Maldague, T.; Pilate, S.; Renard, A.;
Recycling and transmutation of nuclear waste : ECN-Petten and Belgonucleaire contributions to the
ECN-RX--95-067 EN 1995; 145 pag.
Published in: PDF document only in scanned format available (increased size) (), , Ed., p.-.
Vroegindeweij, C.; Stecher-Rasmussen, F.; Huiskamp, R.;
A thermal neutron facility for radiobiological studies
ECN-RX--95-068 EN 1995; 8 pag.
Kram, T.;
International energy technology portfolio assessment: ETSAP's contributions
ECN-RX--95-072 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Presented at: IEA/OECD/ETSAP seminar on the role of energy thechnologies toward sustainable development, Kansai Science City, Japan, 16-17 oktober 1995.
Wijk, J.J. van;
The ECN flow animation system
ECN-C--95-119 EN 1995; 50 pag.
Borg, N.J.C.M. van der; Vink, P.W.;
Tip noise measurements performed on the UNIWEX turbine in 1995
ECN-C--95-120 EN 1995; 23 pag.
Kwast, H.; Stijkel, M.P.; Muis, R.P.; Conrad, R.; Commission of the European Communities., ;
EXOTIC: development of ceramic tritium breeding materials forfusion reactor blankets: the behaviour of tritium in: lithium aluminate, lithium oxide, lithium silicates, litium zirconates
ECN-C--95-123 EN 1995; 158 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Diepstraten, F.M.J.A.; Beeldman, M.;
SAVE-module produktiebedrijven: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-043 NL 1995; 90 pag.
Beeldman, M.; Kaan, H.F.; Römer, J.C.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
SAVE-module utiliteitsbouw: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-044 NL 1995; 86 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
SAVE-module huishoudens: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--94-045 NL 1995; 65 pag.
Musters, A.P.A.;
The energy-economy-environment interaction and the rebound-effect
ECN-I--94-053 EN 1995; 116 pag.
Kloosterman, J.L.;
Actinide data for transmutation studies
ECN-I--94-056 EN 1995; 145 pag.
Freudenreich, W.E.;
Detailed LFR core model for MCNP
ECN-I--94-057 EN 1995; 36 pag.
Markova, L.;
Benchmark calculations by KENO-Va using the JEF2.2 library [ECN-I--94-058]
ECN-I--94-058 EN 1995; 30 pag.
Ruyter van Steveninck, J.L. de;
Toepassing van simulatietechnieken in de probabilistischebreukmechanica
ECN-I--94-060 NL 1995; 35 pag.
Gielen, D.J.;
Correction of national CO2 emissions for oil derived chemicals
ECN-I--94-062 EN 1995; 14 pag.
Schepers, E.;
Een vergelijking tussen MARKAL-MACRO en MARKAL
ECN-I--94-064 NL 1995; 50 pag.
Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Roskam, A.;
Eindrapport project geavanceerde batterijen
ECN-I--94-065 NL 1995; 53 pag.
Horn, B.A. van den;
Sensitivity study of the coupled convergence/compaction model
ECN-I--95-002 EN 1995; 67 pag.
Schol, E.; Kroon, P.; Smokers, R.T.M.;
Save-module transport: de modellering van energieverbruiksontwikkelingen
ECN-I--95-003 NL 1995; 104 pag.
Grol, H.J. van;
Strength and fatigue testing of large size wind turbine rotors:results of questionnaire on rotor blade mechanical testing
ECN-I--95-004 EN 1995; 19 pag.
Jansen, D.;
Markets and applications for advanced fuel cells: IEA Annex V:Advanced fuel cells - systems analysis
ECN-I--95-005 EN 1995; 26 pag.
Zhang, B.C.; Kuijper, J.C.;
Results for the LEUPRO 1-6 cell calculations with WIMS-E [ECN-I--95-007]
ECN-I--95-007 EN 1995; 15 pag.