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ECN publication
Beleidsopties voor CO-2-emissiereductie en de inzet van hernieuwbare energie in een geliberaliseerde energiemarkt
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Policy Studies 1-3-2000
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-C--00-048 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
60 Download PDF  

An overview is presented of the policy options for the reduction ofgreenhouse gas emissions (GHG-emissions) and the promotion of renewable energy in liberalised energy markets. Due to the ongoing liberalisation of the energy markets, the policy options have altered since the role of the government has changed from being an 'active player' towards a 'director'. Not only are the policy options already implemented by the Dutch government but also a number of 'new' options, which can be used to reduce GHG emission and to promote renewable energy in a cost effective way, are outlined in this report. With respect to current policy, the government applies different measures to the actors and it more or less distinguishes two groups of actors. The first group involves the 'small customers' (i.e. mainly the households). This group is faced with rather strict policy measures and high levies (i.e. green taxes). The second group involves the 'large customers' and the energy companies. For this group, the policy measures appear to be consistent with the 'new market-thinking' approach of the Dutch government since this group does not seem to be inflicted with strict and expensive measures. With regard to the new options, international tradable green certificates and GHG emission rights or permits appear to be very cost-effective ways to realise the national targets for the promotion of renewables and the reduction of greenhouse gases. These findings are partly quantified in this report. In addition, the impact expected for the current national climate policy is assessed quantitatively. 52 refs.

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