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ECN publication
Design for Reliable power performance (D4REL); Final report
Kanev, S.K.; Shipurkar, U.; Baldacino, D.; Ozdemir, H.; Peeringa, J.M.; Gunes, Y.
Published by: Publication date:
ECN Wind Energy 29-9-2017
ECN report number: Document type:
ECN-E--17-051 ECN publication
Number of pages: Full text:
68 Download PDF  

Design for Reliable Power Performance (D4REL) is an R&D project aiming at developing innovative technology & tools for reducing uncertainty in both the design and operation of offshore wind farms, with the goal of achieving substantial reduction of 6.4% of the cost of energy (CoE).

This project aims to develop new technology and tools for the reduction of uncertainty in both the design phase of wind farms and its operational life. By lowering design and operational uncertainty, the designs can be made less conservative and operation can be optimised.

Improving the predictability of the performance of large offshore wind farms implies the development of tools and methods that assist the designer and operator/developer in achieving a reliable asset management of the offshore wind power plant. Key in this target is the optimal operation of the wind turbine and the ability of the wind turbines to take the autonomous decisions on optimal operation.

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