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Publications of unit Policy Studies in 2011.
Schoots, K.; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.; Verbong, G.P.J.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Historical variation in the capital costs of natural gas, carbon dioxide and hydrogen pipelines and implications for future infrastructure
ECN-W--11-071 EN december 2011; 0 pag.
Published in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (Elsevier), 2011, Ed., p.1614-1623.
Dril, A.W.N. van;
Optimising the road to a low carbon competitive energy sector in Europe
ECN-O--11-070 EN december 2011; 15 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Optimale verkaveling wind op zee
ECN-N--11-041 NL december 2011; 12 pag.
Bree, B. van; Hanschke, C.B.;
Well-To-Wheel Fiscal Systems: Can they accelerate the introduction of alternative fuels?
ECN-L--11-134 EN december 2011; 59 pag.
Presented at: Meeting dedicated to this presentation, Ministry of Finance, The Hague, Netherlands, 8 December 2011.
Sijm, J.P.M.;
Is there a case for the EU to move beyond 20% GHG emissions reduction by 2020?
ECN-E--11-063 EN december 2011; 22 pag.
Wilde, H.P.J. de; Kroon, P.;
Timing of technology roll-out for climate targets in transport
ECN-E--11-055 EN december 2011; 77 pag.
Barua, R.D.; Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Boot, P.A.; Cloin, J.; Coninck, H.C. de; Gielen, D.J.; Londo, H.M.; Rösler, H.; Roholl, T.; Sinke, W.C.; Saidi, M.A.R.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Energy: Inspiration for the future
ECN-B--11-023 EN december 2011; 96 pag.
Published in: Inspiration for the future.
Ros, J.; Koelemeijer, R.; Elzenga, H.E.; Peters, J.; Hekkenberg, M.; Bosch, P.;
Exploration of pathways towards a clean economy by 2050. How to realise a climate-neutral Netherlands
ECN-O--11-077 EN december 2011; 58 pag.
Backhaus, J.; Tigchelaar, C.; Best - Waldhober, M. de;
Key findings & policy recommendations to improve effectiveness of Energy Performance Certificates & the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
ECN-O--11-083 EN december 2011; 47 pag.
editor(s), ; Brulez, D.; Tilburg, X. van; Cameron, L.R.;
Development of the Indonesian NAMAs Framework - Background study
ECN-O--12-021 EN december 2011; 144 pag.
Röser, F.; Tilburg, X. van; Davis, S.; Höhne, N.; Cameron, L.R.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Würtenberger, L.;
Annual Status Report on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) 2011
ECN-O--11-078 EN november 2011; 24 pag.
Daniëls, B.W.; Wemmers, A.K.; Tigchelaar, C.; Wetzels, W.;
Restwarmtebenutting. Potentiëlen, besparing, alternatieven
ECN-E--11-058 NL november 2011; 58 pag.
Lako, P.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Socio-economic indicators of renewable energy in 2010. Update of data of turnover and employment of renewable energy companies in the Netherlands
ECN-E--11-061 EN november 2011; 75 pag.
Elzenga, H.E.; Hammingh, P.;
Het effect van 59 Green Deals op het aandeel hernieuwbare energie en de uitstoot van niet-ETS-broeikasgassen: een quick scan
ECN-E--11-060 NL november 2011; 44 pag.
Ros, J.; Koelemeijer, R.; Elzenga., H.E.; Peters, J.; Hekkenberg, M.; Bosch, P.;
Naar een schone economie in 2050: routes verkend. Hoe Nederland klimaatneutraal kan worden
ECN-O--11-076 NL november 2011; 176 pag.
Dril, A.W.N. van; Saidi, M.A.R.; Tilburg, X. van; Eaton, D.; Coninck, H.C. de; Cameron, L.R.; Mikunda, T.; Sijm, J.P.M.; Würtenberger, L.;
UNEP Green Economy Report: Renewable Energy
ECN-O--11-079 EN november 2011; 44 pag.
Weeda, M.;
State of affairs electric driving
ECN-L--11-135 EN november 2011; 40 pag.
Presented at: Gastcollege Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederland, 15 November 2011.
Jansen, J.C.;
Expansion of the Swedish Elcert certificates system to the Netherlands; a cost-benefit analysis
ECN-L--11-128 EN november 2011; 0 pag.
Presented at: Market Design Europe 2011 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 6/7 oktober 2011.
Mikunda, T.; Bakker, S.J.A.;
Potential Market Impacts of CCS on the CDM
ECN-B--11-026 EN november 2011; 6 pag.
Plomp, A.J.;
Beschrijving van relevante scenario’s op het gebied van landbouw-, milieu- en klimaatbeleid en energieprijzen voor de Voorstudie Routekaart SuikerUnie
ECN-N--11-031 NL november 2011; 8 pag.
Mozaffarian, M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Lensink, S.M.;
Hernieuwbare warmte in de SDE-plusregeling
ECN-E--11-035 NL november 2011; 45 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der; Joode, J. de; Veum, K.C.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Jansen, J.C.; Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.;
Susplan D5.1 Report on socio-economic approaches for integration of renewable energy sources into grid infrastructures
ECN-O--11-085 EN oktober 2011; 94 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Effects of text and visual depictions of CO2 storage on information processing, risk perceptions, and attitudes
ECN-O--11-072 EN oktober 2011; 1 pag.
Mikunda, T.; Deurzen, J. van; Seebregts, A.J.; Kerssemakers, K.; Tetteroo, M.; Buit, L.;
Towards a CO2 infrastructure in North-Western Europe: Legalities, costs and organizational aspects
ECN-W--11-048 EN oktober 2011; 8 pag.
Published in: Energy Procedia (Elsevier), 2010, Ed., p.-.
Seebregts, A.J.; Deurzen, J. van;
Carbon capture & storage in power generation and wind energy: flexibility and reliability issues in scenarios for Northwest Europe
ECN-W--11-049 EN oktober 2011; 12 pag.
Deurzen, J. van;
Large-scale CCS transport and storage networks in North-west and Central Europe
ECN-W--11-050 EN oktober 2011; 8 pag.
Tigchelaar, C.;
Do energy efficiency investments lead to lower household expenditure? Detailed analyses of the Dutch energy efficiency potential in ‘real’ households
ECN-M--11-094 EN oktober 2011; 7 pag.
Jansen, J.C.;
Do we need a common support scheme for renewable-sourced electricity in Europe? If so, how could it be designed?
ECN-O--11-058 EN oktober 2011; 19 pag.
Tilburg, X. van;
NAMA development in Kenya; (very) early lessons and experience
ECN-L--11-103 EN oktober 2011; 7 pag.
Presented at: Panama Climate Change Conference October 2011, Panama city, Panama, 4 October 2011.
Schoots, K.;
Can learning curves help to choose which technology to support?
ECN-L--11-104 EN oktober 2011; 25 pag.
Presented at: Workshop: “Public support to new energy and transport technologies”, Brussel, België, 05-09-2011.
Bree, B. van;
Second opinion ‘Koersdocument Duurzame Energie’
ECN-N--11-029 NL oktober 2011; 10 pag.
Joode, J. de;
Unconventional gas: A game changer with implications for energy transition?
ECN-L--13-012 EN oktober 2011; 19 pag.
Presented at: IIR conference, ‘Onconventioneel gas’, Rotterdam, Nederland, 4-5 Oktober 2011.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.; Coninck, H.C. de; Bakker, S.J.A.;
Paving the way for low-carbon development strategies
ECN-E--11-059 EN september 2011; 67 pag.
Hernández, H; Tübke, A; Folkerts, W.; Brizard, N; Lako, P.;
Techno-economic analysis of key renewable energy technologies (PV, CSP and wind)
ECN-O--11-059 EN september 2011; 42 pag.
Reiner, D.; Riesch, H.; Kong Chyong, C.; Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Duetschke, E.; Oltra, C.; Lis,  A.; Desbarats, J.; Pol, M.; Breukers, S.C.; Upham, P.; Mander, S.;
NEAR CO2. WP 2. Opinion shaping factors towards CCS and local CCS projects: Public and stakeholder survey and focus groups
ECN-O--11-063 EN september 2011; 204 pag.
Pol, M.; Upham, P.; Desbarats, J.; Oltra, C.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Roberts, R.; Reiner, D.; Riesch, H.; Londo, H.M.;
Near CO2 D5.2. Effective strategies for local communication and involvement around CO2 capture storage (CCS) projects. Report on two dissemination workshops in the NearCO2 project
ECN-O--11-048 EN september 2011; 79 pag.
Breukers, S.C.; Pol, M.; Upham, P.; Lis,  A.; Desbarats, J.; Roberts, T.; Duetschke, E.; Oltra, C.; Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Reiner, D.; Riesch, H.;
Near CO2: D 3.1. Engagement and communication strategies for CCS projects: Gaps between current and desired practices and exemplary strategies
ECN-O--11-051 EN september 2011; 115 pag.
Bree, B. van; Hanschke, C.B.;
Well-To-Wheel based fiscal systems. Can a WTW fiscal basis accelerate the introduction of alternative fuels?
ECN-E--11-038 EN september 2011; 65 pag.
Brunsting, S.; Bree, B. van; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Perceptions of low emission energy technologies. Results from a Dutch large group workshop
ECN-E--11-044 EN september 2011; 109 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Basisbedragen in de SDE+ 2012 Eindadvies
ECN-E--11-054 NL september 2011; 53 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de;
Onze energievoorziening in feiten: mythes, nieuwtjes en kansen
ECN-L--11-097 NL september 2011; 33 pag.
Presented at: Klimaatdebat, Amsterdam, , 13 september 2011.
Kruitwagen, S.; Daniëls, B.W.;
Doorrekening van het kabinetsbeleid voor milieu, klimaat en natuur. Verkenning voor de Motie-Halsema
ECN-O--11-054 NL september 2011; 20 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
Customer perspective - Results of the European G4V survey
ECN-L--11-106 EN september 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: Task Force Electric Vehicles Meeting , Essen, Germany, 20 September 2011.
Bree, B. van; Hanschke, C.B.;
Well-To-Wheel Fiscal Systems: Can they accelerate the introduction of alternative fuels?
ECN-L--11-132 EN september 2011; 47 pag.
Presented at: Departmental meeting I&M, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Hague, Netherlands, 19 September 2011.
Smekens, K.E.L.; Kroon, P.; Plomp, A.J.;
Actualisatie optiedocument 2010. RR2010-SV en NREAP
ECN-E--11-023 NL september 2011; 46 pag.
Hekkenberg, M.; Londo, H.M.;
Spoorzoeken en wegbereiden. Een reisgids voor de energietransitie
ECN-E--11-051 NL september 2011; 56 pag.
Joode, J. de; Spanjer, A.;
Improving European Gas Infrastructure Regulation: Lessons from Theory and Practice
ECN-W--10-076 EN september 2011; 0 pag.
Published in: Energy Studies Review (McMaster University), 2010, Ed.Volume 17, issue 1, article 4., p.1-23.
Joode, J. de; Veum, K.C.;
Synthesis report on the trans-national infrastructure developments on the electricity and gas market: D3.2 of the SUSPLAN project
ECN-O--11-055 EN september 2011; 29 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.;
Enabling effective mass-market deployment of EV
ECN-L--11-105 EN september 2011; 13 pag.
Presented at: WP9 kick-off meeting, London, United Kingdom, 5 September 2011.
Tilburg, X. van; Cameron, L.R.; Würtenberger, L.; Bakker, S.J.A.;
On developing NAMAs – discussion paper
ECN-O--11-053 EN september 2011; 10 pag.
Wit, de M.;
Bioenergy development pathways for Europe
ECN-O--11-069 EN september 2011; 219 pag.
Rösler, H.; Bruggink, J.J.C.; Keppo, I.J.;
Design of a European sustainable hydrogen model. Model structure and data sources
ECN-E--11-041 EN augustus 2011; 57 pag.
Welle, A.J. van der; Joode, J. de;
Regulatory road maps for the integration of intermittent electricity generation: Methodology development and the case of The Netherlands
ECN-W--11-040 EN juli 2011; 12 pag.
Veum, K.C.; Cameron, L.R.; Huertas Hernando, D.; Korpås, M.;
WINDSPEED. Roadmap to the deployment of offshore wind energy in the Central and Southern North Sea
ECN-O--11-065 EN juli 2011; 52 pag.
Daniëls, B.W.; Schoots, K.; Dril, A.W.N. van; Koch, J.; Both, D.;
Development of a Model for Assessing Innovation Policy
ECN-L--11-082 EN juli 2011; 0 pag.
Presented at: IEA, 2nd Workshop 'Accelerating Energy Innovation project', Parijs, France, 24 May 2011.
Backhaus, J.; Breukers, S.C.; Mont, O.;
Mainstreaming best practices in energy demand
ECN-M--11-077 EN juli 2011; 10 pag.
Breukers, S.C.;
Mainstreaming best practices in energy demand
ECN-L--11-083 EN juli 2011; 0 pag.
Presented at: ECEEE Summer Study, Parijs, France, 7 June 2011.
Jansen, J.C.;
In the Wake of Fukushima, Should our electricity become Almost Completely Renewable and Completely Non-Nuclear?
ECN-W--11-032 EN juli 2011; 5 pag.
Published in: Intereconomics – Review of European economic policy (Intereconomics), 2011, Ed.46(3), p.137-142.
Cameron, L.R.;
Scenarios for offshore wind including spatial interactions and grid issues
ECN-E--11-049 EN juli 2011; 145 pag.
Haurie, H.; Tavoni, M.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Modeling Uncertainty and the Economics of Climate Change: Recommendations for Robust Energy Policy
ECN-V--11-011 EN juli 2011; 5 pag.
Published in: Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer), 2011, Ed.26, p.1-5.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Basisbedragen in de SDE 2012 Conceptadvies
ECN-E--11-046 NL juli 2011; 50 pag.
Vethman, P.; Daniëls, B.W.; Hanschke, C.B.;
Modelling the energy use of products. A review of approaches from practice
ECN-E--11-027 EN juli 2011; 85 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.; Dril, A.W.N. van;
Kolencentrales Eemshaven - Dwingende redenen openbaar belang. Antwoorden op vragen van het Ministerie van EL&I
ECN-E--10-106 NL juli 2011; 42 pag.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Wene, C.O.;
Developments in Interpreting Learning Curves and Applications for Energy Technology Policy
ECN-B--11-020 EN juli 2011; 22 pag.
Published in: Learning Curves: Theory, Models, and Applications, 425, 443, 978-1-4398073-8-5, Taylor and Francis.
Zwaan, B.C.C. van der; Schoots, K.; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.; Verbong, G.P.J.;
The cost of pipelining climate change mitigation: An overview of the economics of CH4, CO2 and H2 transportation
ECN-W--11-033 EN juli 2011; 11 pag.
Published in: Applied Energy (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.88, p.3821-3831.
Vallack, H.; Timmis, A.; Robinson, K.; Sato, Misato; Kroon, P.; Plomp, A.J.;
Technology Innovation for Energy Intensive Industry in the United Kingdom
ECN-O--11-047 EN juli 2011; 69 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
Customer perspective: Results of the European G4V Survey
ECN-L--11-086 EN juni 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: G4V Final Project Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 30 June 2011.
Stralen, J. van;
Biomass in RESolve - Energy modeling approach and draft results
ECN-L--11-069 EN juni 2011; 25 pag.
Presented at: Biomass Futures workshop during the AEBIOM conference, Brussels, Belgium, 29 June 2011.
Kroon, P.;
Een Europese routekaart naar een concurrerende koolstofarme economie in 2050 - Korte beschouwing over de gevolgen voor Nederland
ECN-N--11-020 NL juni 2011; 12 pag.
Pouwelse, J.W.; Gerdes, J.;
Berekening referentierendement voor de opwekking van elektriciteit
ECN-N--11-016 NL juni 2011; 3 pag.
Wetzels, W.; Blezer, I.; Sipma, J.M.;
Beleidsstudie naar WKK- en warmtepomptechnologieën. Eindrapport 21 juni 2011
ECN-E--10-096 NL juni 2011; 69 pag.
Würtenberger, L.; Bunzeck, I.G.; Tilburg, X. van;
Initiatives related to climate change in Ghana - towards change in Ghana
ECN-E--11-010 EN juni 2011; 36 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de;
CCS in the CDM: potential and issues
ECN-L--11-079 EN juni 2011; 14 pag.
Presented at: SB-34 side-event, Bonn, Germany, 17 June 2011.
Herder, P.M.; Joode, J. de; Ligtvoet, A.; Schenk, S.; Taneja, P.;
Buying real options - Valuing uncertainty in infrastructure planning
ECN-V--11-010 EN juni 2011; 10 pag.
Published in: Futures (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.Volume 43, issue 9, p.961-969.
Mikunda, T.; Coninck, H.C. de;
CO2ReMoVe D4.1.4B: Possible impacts of captured CO2 stream impurities on transport infrastructure and geological storage formations. Current understanding and implications for EU legislation
ECN-O--11-040 EN juni 2011; 28 pag.
Tigchelaar, C.; Daniëls, B.W.; Menkveld, M.;
Obligations in the existing housing stock: who pays the bill?
ECN-L--11-073 EN juni 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: eceee 2011 Summer Study, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 6-11 June 2011.
Tigchelaar, C.; Daniëls, B.W.; Menkveld, M.;
Obligations in the existing housing stock: Who pays the bill?
ECN-M--11-070 EN juni 2011; 11 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de;
CCS-Africa: findings and further steps
ECN-L--11-080 EN juni 2011; 12 pag.
Presented at: World Bank CCS workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1 June 2011.
Coninck, H.C. de;
Encouraging Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage
ECN-O--11-046 EN juni 2011; 19 pag.
Verdonk, M.; Daniëls, B.W.;
Raming van broeikasgassen en luchtverontreinigende stoffen 2011-2015
ECN-O--11-042 NL mei 2011; 53 pag.
Nieuwenhout, F.D.J.; Brand, A.J.;
The Impact of Wind Power on Day-ahead Electricity
ECN-M--11-111 EN mei 2011; 5 pag.
Vethman, P.;
Towards a better explanation of electricity savings in households
ECN-L--11-072 EN mei 2011; 19 pag.
Presented at: EEDAL conference 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 May 2011.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
User preferences for charging locations and charging schemes – a survey in eight EU countries
ECN-L--11-085 EN mei 2011; 21 pag.
Presented at: D-Incert seminar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20 May 2011.
Feenstra, C.F.J.;
CO2 is nee!
ECN-L--11-056 EN mei 2011; 13 pag.
Presented at: , , .
Bunzeck, I.G.; Paukovic, M.; Feenstra, C.F.J.;
User preferences for charging locations and charging schemes – a survey in eight EU countries
ECN-L--11-084 EN mei 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: Green eMotion WP9 meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18 May 2011.
Plomp, A.J.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Seebregts, A.J.; Lensink, S.M.;
Roadmap VNMI. Inzet van hernieuwbare energie
ECN-E--11-031 NL mei 2011; 46 pag.
Tavoni, M.; Zwaan, B.C.C. van der;
Nuclear Versus Coal plus CCS: a Comparison of Two Competitive Base-Load Climate Control Options
ECN-W--11-041 EN mei 2011; 10 pag.
Published in: Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Springer), 2011, Ed.16, p.431-440.
Lensink, S.M.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.;
Marktconsultatie SDE-basisbedragen 2010 en 2011
ECN-E--11-033 NL mei 2011; 26 pag.
Joode, J. de; Ozdemir, O.; Veum, K.C.; Welle, A.J. van der; Miglavacca, G.; Zani, A.; l'Abbate, A.;
Trans-national infrastructure developments on the electricity and gas market: D3.1 of the SUSPLAN project
ECN-O--11-037 EN mei 2011; 156 pag.
Coninck, H.C. de; Backstrand, K.;
An International Relations perspective on the global politics of carbon dioxide capture and storage
ECN-W--11-024 EN mei 2011; 11 pag.
Published in: Global Environmental Change (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.21, p.368-378.
Cameron, L.R.; Stralen, J. van; Veum, K.C.;
WINDSPEED D 6.1. Scenarios for offshore wind including spatial interactions and grid issues
ECN-O--11-066 EN mei 2011; 145 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Mozaffarian, M.; Pfeiffer, A.E.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Cleijne, J.W.;
Draft advice base rates 2011 for electricity and green gas in the framework of the SDE scheme
ECN-E--10-060 EN april 2011; 37 pag.
Roeterdink, W.G.; Kroon, P.;
Gas-, hout- en oliegestookte ketels
ECN-E--10-115 NL april 2011; 53 pag.
Lensink, S.M.;
Update basisbedragen 2011
ECN-N--11-012 NL april 2011; 7 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.; Mozaffarian, M.;
Eindadvies basisbedragen 2011 voor elektriciteit en groen gas in het kader van de SDE-regeling
ECN-E--10-082 NL april 2011; 41 pag.
Lensink, S.M.; Wassenaar, J.A.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Faasen, C.J.; Mozaffarian, M.;
Final advice base rates 2011 for electricity and green gas in the framework of the SDE scheme
ECN-E--10-109 EN april 2011; 42 pag.
Hagemann, M.; Moltmann, S.; Palenberg, A.; Visser, E. de; Höhne, N.; Jung, M.; Bakker, S.J.A.;
Role of CCS in the international climate regime
ECN-O--11-032 EN april 2011; 72 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Mikunda, T.; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.;
Potential impacts of CCS on the CDM
ECN-O--11-033 EN april 2011; 35 pag.
Sakamoto, K.; Bakker, S.J.A.; Sijm, J.P.M.; et. al., ;
T-MAPPER: Transport Measures And Policies to Promote Emission Reductions
ECN-O--11-031 EN april 2011; 275 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
Preferences of potential users of electric cars related to charging - A survey in eight EU countries
ECN-O--11-030 EN april 2011; 37 pag.
Lako, P.; Luxembourg, S.L.; Ruiter, A.J.; Groen, B. in 't;
Geothermal energy and the SDE
ECN-E--11-022 NL april 2011; 56 pag.
Sipma, J.M.;
Energieverbruik en gerelateerde kosten Basis Onderwijs
ECN-N--11-002 NL april 2011; 17 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.;
Current NAMA thinking and its implications for the transport sector
ECN-L--11-053 EN april 2011; 8 pag.
Presented at: Workshop ‘NAMAs as catalysts for environmentally sustainable transport’ , Seoul, Zuid-Korea, 12-13 April 2011.
Lensink, S.M.;
Duurzame warmte in de SDE+
ECN-L--11-050 NL april 2011; 25 pag.
Presented at: Workshop duurzame warmte en koude, Amsterdam, Nederland, 12 april 2011.
Joode, J. de;
Explaining different regulatory approaches towards gas infrastructure expansion
ECN-V--11-008 EN april 2011; 3 pag.
Published in: EDI Quarterly (Energy Delta Institute), 2011, Ed.Volume 3, issue 1, p.8-11.
Coninck, H.C. de; Würtenberger, L.; Akon-Yamga, G.;
Next steps towards a Climate Innovation, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-025 EN april 2011; 11 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
User preferences for charging schemes - a survey in eight EU countries
ECN-L--11-038 EN april 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: G4V project meeting, Rome, Italy, 4 April 2011.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Feenstra, C.F.J.; Paukovic, M.;
T3.3. - Results: User preferences for charging schemes – a survey in eight EU countries
ECN-L--11-087 EN april 2011; 13 pag.
Presented at: G4V Project Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 4 April 2011.
Coninck, H.C. de;
The global politics of CCS
ECN-L--11-028 EN maart 2011; 26 pag.
Presented at: Presentation at the Scottish CCS centre, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 25 March 2011.
Coninck, H.C. de;
The political economy of climate change negotiations and the role of technology
ECN-L--11-029 EN maart 2011; 56 pag.
Presented at: Presentation at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 25 March 2011.
Plomp, A.J.; Kroon, P.;
Raffinaderijen naar 2030
ECN-E--10-064 NL maart 2011; 47 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.; Atta-Owusu, F.;
Low carbon growth – energy demand, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-022 EN maart 2011; 5 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.;
Low Carbon Growth in Ghana - Support to the NCCPF 2010-2011
ECN-L--11-021 EN maart 2011; 17 pag.
Presented at: National Climate Change Committee of Ghana, Koforidua, Ghana, March 2011.
Seebregts, A.J.;
Summary of 'Nuclear Energy and Fuel Mix: Effects of new nuclear power plants after 2020 as defined in the Dutch Energy Report 2008'
ECN-E--11-018 EN maart 2011; 13 pag.
Würtenberger, L.; Hassan, E.;
Low carbon growth – mining, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-023 EN maart 2011; 4 pag.
Weeda, M.;
Large-scale rollout of hydrogen powered fuel cell cars in the Netherlands
ECN-L--11-040 EN maart 2011; 38 pag.
Presented at: Algemene Ledenvergadering van de Nederlandse Waterstof Vereniging, Amersfoort, Nederland, 17 March 2011.
Cameron, L.R.;
Making space for offshore wind power
ECN-L--11-046 EN maart 2011; 28 pag.
Presented at: EWEA 2011 - WINDSPEED Side-event, Brussels, Belgium, 15 March 2011.
Jansen, J.C.; Lensink, S.M.;
Samenvatting van de kosten-batenanalyse van alternatieve stimuleringsystemen voor hernieuwbare elektriciteit
ECN-N--11-008 NL maart 2011; 7 pag.
Veum, K.C.; Cameron, L.R.; Stralen, J. van;
WINDSPEED project: 2030 Roadmap for offshore wind development in the North Sea.
ECN-L--11-055 EN maart 2011; 16 pag.
Presented at: EWEA 2011, Brussels, Belgium, 14 March 2011.
Schwabe, P.; Lensink, S.M.; Hand, M.;
IEA Wind Task 26: Multi-national Case Study of the Financial Cost of Wind Energy
ECN-B--11-004 EN maart 2011; 120 pag.
Bree, B. van; Bunzeck, I.G.;
Alternative fuels and technologies: Policies for successful introduction
ECN-L--11-037 EN maart 2011; 37 pag.
Presented at: Alter-Motive Final Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 1 March 2011.
Feenstra, C.F.J.;
Public engagement and CCS - Why, how, when and with whom?
ECN-L--11-054 EN maart 2011; 11 pag.
Presented at: IEA CCS Regulatory Network meeting, Paris, France, 1 March 2011.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Uyterlinde, M.A.;
Sustainable transport: technology, policy and behaviour
ECN-L--11-039 EN februari 2011; 17 pag.
Presented at: TOSCA Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 23-25 February 2011.
Cameron, L.R.; Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.;
NAMAs and the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda 2010 – 2013, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-019 EN februari 2011; 12 pag.
Würtenberger, L.; Tilburg, X. van;
Low Carbon Development in Ghana, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-020 EN februari 2011; 5 pag.
Stephens, J.C.; Hansson, A.; Liu, Y.; Coninck, H.C. de; Vajjhala, S.;
Characterizing the international carbon capture and storage community
ECN-W--11-030 EN februari 2011; 12 pag.
Published in: Global Environmental Change (Elsevier), 2011, Ed.21, p.379-390.
Coninck, H.C. de; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.;
Climate Innovation Centres: a global instrument with local benefits, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-015 EN februari 2011; 4 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.;
Emissions from flaring Jubilee field gas, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-016 EN februari 2011; 2 pag.
Tilburg, X. van; Würtenberger, L.; Rivera Tinoco, R.A.;
Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) curve, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-017 EN februari 2011; 5 pag.
Bakker, S.J.A.; Würtenberger, L.;
NAMAs and MRV, ECN Ghana Policy Briefs
ECN-O--11-018 EN februari 2011; 4 pag.
Kogdenko, N.;
Successfulness of Bus Rapid Transit systems in Asia
ECN-O--11-013 EN februari 2011; 91 pag.
Seebregts, A.J.;
CATO-2 Deliverable WP 2.2-D 2.2 01, Screening of the impacts of large scale CCS on the electricity market
ECN-O--11-084 EN februari 2011; 56 pag.
Beurskens, L.W.M.; Hekkenberg, M.;
Renewable Energy Projections as Published in the National Renewable Energy Action Plans of the European Member States
ECN-E--10-069 EN februari 2011; 244 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Vethman, P.;
Change Best:Task 2.1: National Report on the Energy Efficiency Service Business in the Netherlands
ECN-O--11-026 EN februari 2011; 39 pag.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.; Vethman, P.;
Change Best: Task 2.3: Analysis of policy mix and development of Energy Efficiency Services
ECN-O--11-027 EN februari 2011; 50 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Bree, B. van;
Alternative fuels and technologies - policies for successful introduction
ECN-L--11-025 EN januari 2011; 36 pag.
Presented at: Altermotive Austrian Stakeholder Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 26 January 2011.
Lako, P.; Beurskens, L.W.M.;
Socio-economic indicators of renewable energy in 2009. Update of data of turnover and employment of renewable energy companies in the Netherlands
ECN-E--10-089 EN januari 2011; 50 pag.
Ybema, J.R.;
Roadmap 2050 en bedrijvigheid in Nederland voor hernieuwbare energie
ECN-L--11-042 NL januari 2011; 40 pag.
Presented at: Annual Dutch ambassador conference, Den Haag, Nederland, 20 januari 2011.
Seebregts, A.J.; Groenenberg, H.; Boot, P.A.; Snoep, H.J.M.;
Policy instruments for advancing CCS in Dutch power generation
ECN-E--10-032 EN januari 2011; 73 pag.
Bunzeck, I.G.;
Update: Social aspects of large-scale deployment and grid integration of EV/PHEV
ECN-L--11-023 EN januari 2011; 15 pag.
Presented at: G4V Technical Board Meeting, Valencia, Spain, 19-20 January 2011.
Bunzeck, I.G.; Bree, B. van;
Alternative fuels and technologies - policies for successful introduction
ECN-L--11-024 EN januari 2011; 36 pag.
Presented at: Altermotive Austrian Stakeholder Workshop, Berlin, Germany, 17 January 2011.
Jansen, J.C.; Lensink, S.M.; Ozdemir, O.; Stralen, J. van; Welle, A.J. van der;
Cost-benefit analysis of alternative support schemes for renewable electricity in the Netherlands
ECN-E--11-002 EN januari 2011; 89 pag.
Vethman, P.;
Changebest: the market for energy efficiency services
ECN-L--11-005 EN januari 2011; 18 pag.
Presented at: Workshop Changebest, Tilburg, Nederland, 11/01/2011.
Boonekamp, P.G.M.;
How does energy policy influence the market for EES?
ECN-L--11-006 EN januari 2011; 0 pag.
Presented at: ChangeBest workshop, Tilburg, Nederland, 11/01/2011.
Sipma, J.M.;
WP 4.4 Market demand and acceptation
ECN-L--11-007 NL januari 2011; 16 pag.
Presented at: , , .
Bree, B. van;
Alternative fuels and technologies: Policies for successful introduction
ECN-L--11-008 EN januari 2011; 0 pag.
Presented at: Altermotive National Workshop, Den Haag, Nederland, 30/11/2010.
Smekens, K.E.L.;
The Options Document for BOLK
ECN-L--11-009 EN januari 2011; 13 pag.
Presented at: Ministerie I&M, Den Haag, Nederland, 30/11/2010.
Sovacool, B.K.; Jansen, J.C.; Welle, A.J. van der;
The energy services dimension of energy security
ECN-B--11-005 EN 2011; 446 pag.
Published in: The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security, 239, 249, 978-0-415-59117-1, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Desbarats, J.; Brunsting, S.; Duetschke, E.; Upham, P.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Oltra, C.; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.;
Near CO2. WP 1.3: Mapping opinion shaping factors that influine acceptance of CCS prior to and after CCS project planning
ECN-O--11-061 EN 2011; 36 pag.
Desbarats, J.; Upham, P.; Riesch, H.; Reiner, D.; Brunsting, S.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Duetschke, E.; Oltra, C.; Sala, R.; McLachlan, C.;
Near CO2. D 1.2: Review of the public participation practices for CCS and non-CCS projects in Europe
ECN-O--11-062 EN 2011; 211 pag.
Upham, P.; Roberts, T.; Best - Waldhober, M. de; Brunsting, S.; Desbarats, J.; Duetschke, E.; Oltra, C.; Reiner, D.; Riesch, H.;
Public Perceptions of CCS: the results of NearCO2 European Focus Groups
ECN-O--11-064 EN 2011; 32 pag.